add wieght and bugger all else.
yep this has been looked into and is absolute bollocks,same as those lead balls in the tank, only way is to change your driving technique, become mr lightfoot some additives can help,some don't do ****!
can't beat regular servicing and just looking after it.
check tyre pressures regular,check air filter,change fuel filter (keep it genuine) keep an eye out for fuel leaks, and keep a close eye on the intercooler pipes,flush out the intercooler regularly.
Just did some 'controlled' testing on a long run today. Overall average sits around high 27's / low 28s mpg.

Constant 50 mph, motorway, cruise control in - 38.5mpg!
Constant 70 mph, motorway, cruise control in - 34.6mpg
Varying between 50-80mph, motorway, cruise in, gentle acceleration only - 33.2mpg.

All taken as averages over a 20 mile stretch each.

I guess my engine is in pretty good shape then!

(figures as displayed on dash, so prob a little optimistic?)
Just did some 'controlled' testing on a long run today. Overall average sits around high 27's / low 28s mpg.

Constant 50 mph, motorway, cruise control in - 38.5mpg!
Constant 70 mph, motorway, cruise control in - 34.6mpg
Varying between 50-80mph, motorway, cruise in, gentle acceleration only - 33.2mpg.

All taken as averages over a 20 mile stretch each.

I guess my engine is in pretty good shape then!

(figures as displayed on dash, so prob a little optimistic?)

A little!!!!! :D;):D

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