Oh thank god, I was beginning to think that you had given up and scrapped it.

Now, just to let you know that I will be reaching out to you in order to come and dribble all over it one evening.
Not bothering then?

If not I'll give you a monkey for it. Be a shame to waste those tyres.

My money is on it being scrapped and the proceeds used to grease the palm of the local publican.

Or, he's sleeping in the back of it after she wiped him out in the divorce after missing the umpteenth deadline for it to be finished?
My money is on it being scrapped and the proceeds used to grease the palm of the local publican.

Or, he's sleeping in the back of it after she wiped him out in the divorce after missing the umpteenth deadline for it to be finished?

Wow guys I’m touched - thank you so much for all the support and encouragement - I do so apologise for missing your arbitrarily assigned deadlines !

There is no way in hell this will be scrapped or abandoned, I have spent years of my life and 10s of thousands on this not to mention more tech than most oems could dream of to make this vehicle a reality.

Even if it were to take 7 more years (it won’t), I would not give up, grit and perseverance have brought me this far, and they will see this project finished (if a totally custom vehicle is ever truly finished).

Thank you to all of those who have been genuinely supportive, to anyone who likes to poke fun, I dare you to do better !
Wow guys I’m touched - thank you so much for all the support and encouragement - I do so apologise for missing your arbitrarily assigned deadlines !

There is no way in hell this will be scrapped or abandoned, I have spent years of my life and 10s of thousands on this not to mention more tech than most oems could dream of to make this vehicle a reality.

Even if it were to take 7 more years (it won’t), I would not give up, grit and perseverance have brought me this far, and they will see this project finished (if a totally custom vehicle is ever truly finished).

Thank you to all of those who have been genuinely supportive, to anyone who likes to poke fun, I dare you to do better !

I have pretty much rebuilt my Discovery, still upgrading and modifying it whenever it takes my fancy on top of driving it off road regularly, I too have well over £10k in my 1992 Discovery :p

I just want to see you parked up at KFC in Yately for your bucket of chicken lol
I don't think I could get it in that tiny car park ! Or if I could, I'd never get it out again ! :)

I will be there for lunch tomorrow I think, not terribly excited by scotch eggs 4 days in a row and I fancies a zinger burito :)

How much you got left to do then Dave?

I am quite excited about the hybrid drive and the electronics that you have crafted into it :cool:
I'm all but speechless at this project and am only in awe at your extensive skillset. One question, you have a bunch of controllers in the vehicle; can you briefly outline some background to these units - are they a load of Raspberry Pi's and Python or what!!!
you have a bunch of controllers in the vehicle; can you briefly outline some background to these units - are they a load of Raspberry Pi's and Python or what!!!

Not really, four of the modules use off the shelf processor modules :-
AVIC & RPEC use a wandboard QuadPLUS which plug into motherboards I designed carrying the rest of the electronics and run android orio.
VIP & AMS use a wandboard Quad which also plug into motherboards of my design, running ubuntu linux.

The rest of the modules use baremetal software and mostly run on NXP ARM cortex M3 processors with the exception of EMU which has a Xilinx Zynq-7000
Not really, four of the modules use off the shelf processor modules :-
AVIC & RPEC use a wandboard QuadPLUS which plug into motherboards I designed carrying the rest of the electronics and run android orio.
VIP & AMS use a wandboard Quad which also plug into motherboards of my design, running ubuntu linux.

The rest of the modules use baremetal software and mostly run on NXP ARM cortex M3 processors with the exception of EMU which has a Xilinx Zynq-7000

Right over my head but it sounds good to me :)
Hi dave658. Just clocked this thread. Impressive build / achievements good work sir.

I do have a question, if the new transfer box spits out rear output in the centre what rear axle will you run? Will it matter if you use Left or Right offset?

I'm very close to you, would love to come take a nose.......
Not really, four of the modules use off the shelf processor modules :-
AVIC & RPEC use a wandboard QuadPLUS which plug into motherboards I designed carrying the rest of the electronics and run android orio.
VIP & AMS use a wandboard Quad which also plug into motherboards of my design, running ubuntu linux.
The rest of the modules use baremetal software and mostly run on NXP ARM cortex M3 processors with the exception of EMU which has a Xilinx Zynq-7000

With all of that, I'm genuinely gobsmacked at the both the scope and quantity of work you've undertaken, yet, you're also actually progressing the project in what seems like, all areas! One thing building each module and interfacing it to the real world and one that is arguably very harsh, but to also have them networked and working together is truly amazing and I salute you :) Good luck with the rest of the project and I know you'll get this beast over the line!


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