Oh I like it.
Just seems a bit odd to start the thread and then leave so long between updates. Unless of course keeping it a little secret upps the price when the magazines want to print an article on it.
I honestly look forward to seeing it complete but I’m over 50 now so the odd little bit of banter may have spurred an extra picture or two rather than a barrage of defensive tripe. Copyright permitted obviously.

If you think there's any money to be had from having a magazine article on a project you've never completed a project that's had a magazine article done on it.
This project is not just about baking a 6-wheel Disco, it's very much a "drains-up", re-engined, electric hybrid vehicle that has at its heart, a modified Disco chassis. Add to that, a host of one-off custom controllers, a digital dash and the rather onerous task of bringing it all together as a solo "bloke with a driveway" and domestic-level budget. And after writing this, I nearly still can't believe that this project has got as far as it has and in the timeframe, to date; I'm in no doubt that Dave will deliver a jaw-dropper for the shows:):p So sit back and enjoy the posts (with pix, pse!) until you see this beauty in the flesh, whenever that may be...:)
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If you think there's any money to be had from having a magazine article on a project you've never completed a project that's had a magazine article done on it.

I'm making the assumption that you are just talking about creating a bespoke vehicle or a very well done concourse restoration?

This is neither and as I see it this is more of a test bed for something whole other worldly in the terms of Land Rovers.
I don't know what it is with you Bobsticle, nearly every post you make is abusive, negative and belittling. Are you secretly hoping this project will fail ? Is that how you get your validation ?

I have told you before that this will never be scrapped, I have put years of my life into this and nearly £40,000 - there is no way I'm giving up, especially now I'm this close to completion

I really don't appreciate your negativity, the old maxim applies here - if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing - do us all a favour !

I hope putting years of your life and £40k into the project hasn't totally depleted your sense of humour, as I took Bobsticle's post as humorous not offensive!
I hope putting years of your life and £40k into the project hasn't totally depleted your sense of humour, as I took Bobsticle's post as humorous not offensive!
Here's a bit of humour: Bosticle is a jealous c@@t......:):D:) LOLOL..Barman, same again m8..
Like I say, I like it.
Its not my thing as far as a project goes, I'm not even a keen Disco lover, but I admire any type of customisation. This one is indeed completely bonkers and all the better for it.
Many posters have asked how things are going with no answer. Inquired after some more pictures without reply so as a genuinely interested party I used a little friendly banter as a shock tactic to see if we could jolt a few more update posts. Obviously not, so I wont comment again if my interest has caused offence. I'll just pop in now and then to see if anyone has winkled a snap out of the miserable cnut. :p

For those offended please see the little smiley with its tong out at the end of my post. It denotes its none serious nature and a sign I have posted more than a little tong in cheek. :rolleyes:
OK, well one major update - the car is now booked in for its electrical compliance test (ECE Reg. 100.01), this is a pre-requisite for all electric and hybrid vehicles prior to booking the IVA test that is necessary to obtain a registration document for the car to be road legal.

The Electrical compliance test is booked for February the 22nd, so if all goes well, I will book the IVA as soon as I can after that and then I'm road legal !!! Just in time for the summer season all being well :)
Nice one Dave, exciting prospect driving that thing on the open road.

Are all your home brew modules/ecu's completed and aok?

Will it be a Q reg?
Looking good, Dave and good luck with the compliance test; I'm sure it'll pass! I can defo see this baby on display in September at the LRO show :D
OK, well one major update - the car is now booked in for its electrical compliance test (ECE Reg. 100.01), this is a pre-requisite for all electric and hybrid vehicles prior to booking the IVA test that is necessary to obtain a registration document for the car to be road legal.

The Electrical compliance test is booked for February the 22nd, so if all goes well, I will book the IVA as soon as I can after that and then I'm road legal !!! Just in time for the summer season all being well :)

Looking good then mate, this is such a tease, Discovery is the best Land Rover made, 6X6 the most awesome configuration for all things off road and a hybrid with a throbbing V8 is just Kleenex grabbing goodness for a petrol head :)
OK, well one major update - the car is now booked in for its electrical compliance test (ECE Reg. 100.01), this is a pre-requisite for all electric and hybrid vehicles prior to booking the IVA test that is necessary to obtain a registration document for the car to be road legal.

The Electrical compliance test is booked for February the 22nd, so if all goes well, I will book the IVA as soon as I can after that and then I'm road legal !!! Just in time for the summer season all being well :)
Brilliant news - time for a photo update too I reckon!

Good luck with both the compliance and IVA tests!
Nice one Dave, exciting prospect driving that thing on the open road.

Are all your home brew modules/ecu's completed and aok?

Will it be a Q reg?

They are working enough for basic functionality and IVA compliance - the problem with developing your own ECUs is that you can always see ways to improve them - not sure they'll ever be "finished" !

Yes it will be a Q plate, DVLA assured me that I could find any way of not describing this as a "radically altered vehicle" then I may have a case, but I've think they've got me on that ! :)
Looking good then mate, this is such a tease, Discovery is the best Land Rover made, 6X6 the most awesome configuration for all things off road and a hybrid with a throbbing V8 is just Kleenex grabbing goodness for a petrol head :)
Not sure I would have described it that way, but thanks for the support :)
Your attention to detail up to now is exeptional..no need to worry in my opinion at test..great work...
I hope you're right, but the electrical compliance test is new, so there is no real precedence, who knows hat it could be failed on - oh well, fingers crossed !
Wow I cant believe Ive only just stumbled on this!
Is there any more info on the electric motor and battery side of things?
And the dash?
Need all the info for pure geekyness!

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