I may have found a set of genuine NOS +30 original Rover pistons, awaiting confirmation. They are expensive but not much in it between the copies and the NOS versions in price. Waiting with bated breath for confirmation they are available
I may have found a set of genuine NOS +30 original Rover pistons, awaiting confirmation. They are expensive but not much in it between the copies and the NOS versions in price. Waiting with bated breath for confirmation they are available
As your last post was back in February I'm wondering if you managed to complete the project ?
I have the pistons, bearing shells and nearly all the other bits to start a rebuild, including a NOS original air pump still in the box for the detox kit.. Probably the only largish item I still don't have is most of the camshaft bearings which I know I can get but waiting to see if I come across them cheaper than they are off the shelf.
I have just ordered another tranche of little bits and bobs.
I also just ordered a new engine hoist to move the beast around and after the new year will be looking to get the block rebored and the crank ground to match the oversize/undersize pistons/shells I have.
As soon as this is done I should be able to fairly quickly put the motor together and drop in into the vehicle. At least once I find a machine shop that won't charge me the earth to do the machining!
Been working on the house/s so the landy project has been sitting in the workshop pretty static all summer/autumn/winter so far since I rebuild the gearbox/overdrive and dropped them in.
Still plodding along buying all the bits, got a set of NOS inlet valves a few days ago and they should be here soon, managed to get stellite exhausts recently as well.
I am not too far away from having all the bits needed to do the engine rebuild, probably the only large parts are sets of valve seats and 4 camshaft bearings. Currently looking for somewhere to do the machining, the local shops who I have used before want the best part of 2k for a rebore and grind which is frankly ****ing ridiculous
Loving the dedication, BikerB! I also looked here. NOS valves and stellite exhausts? You're building a museum piece! Keep the updates coming, and let us know when you find that elusive machine shop for the final touch.
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Loving the dedication, BikerB! NOS valves and stellite exhausts? You're building a museum piece! Keep the updates coming, and let us know when you find that elusive machine shop for the final touch.
Got the machine shop sorted £300 for the rebore and £300 for the regrind which is much more like it.
Its not going to be a detox now as I managed to get a NOS Air pump for it and apart from hand making a few pipe connections I think I can put it all back together as it was supposed to be.
I did buy an new engine crane to help me move the block about just before Xmas but it is going back and this will need to wait till I buy another, and get the machining cash together!

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