Tony Allen

New Member
Ive had my rant about Stratstone, does anyone mind if I have another!
I was watching the news on friday morning and hit between the eyes by a newspaper 'frontpage' saying 4x4 are the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. OK so it was in the Independent but why are we set apart and exposed to such vitreol. I know lots of 4x4 owners, they generally keep thier cars in very good order, servicing etc, and dont drive excessive mileages so on the whole dont pollute anymore than many other types on the road. Ever sat in traffic in London with Taxi's nearby belching deisel fumes!!
So what do you think, am I being oversensitive.
Regards Tony
weve had this before mate, its a fukin great big can of worms that aint even worth peeping in let alone opening ;)
I've had just enough beer in me to have a rant myself.

But I can't be arsed.

Any how you're talking bollocks.
We don't take up any more space on the road, we keep our cars serviced and emissions down, but we're different, so an easy target.

If you feel guilty about having a 4x4(!) you could give some money to some tree huggers to plant trees to offset your carbon emissions. Letter in LRO this month relating to that very topic!
GRUNT said:
I've had just enough beer in me to have a rant myself.

But I can't be arsed.

Any how you're talking bollocks.

I thought this site was for intelligent discussion, not idiots!!
Tony Allen said:
I thought this site was for intelligent discussion, not idiots!!

no mate if its intelligent discussion you are after then you have come to the wrong forum. you should have checked out the majority of threads before joining, then you would have realised this is an idiots forum. you obviously have had an operation for the sense of humour bypass therefore i would like to congratulate you as it was a roaring sucess. the fact of the matter is that this forum is a light hearted forum where everyone takes the **** and has a laugh and a joke. we all help each other out with problems with our vehicles but the one thing we don't do is get involved in the political bull****. so either take the stiff pole from u your arse, relax and join in the fun or take umbridge and work yourself into a frenzy by the comments that others put. its a free choice that only you can take. remember, the only person that gets worked up by the comments is the person that takes it too seriously. the others see this as a green light for some serious **** taking. no offence meant, just explaining how this forum works and why its so popular ;)
GLENN B said:
How Do I Get My Freelander Pic Onto The Gallery

click on gallery at the top of this page then click on upload photos on the right hand side of the page ;)
Tony Allen said:
I thought this site was for intelligent discussion, not idiots!!

Where in fecks name does it say 'intelligent'? The beauty of this site is that you'll always get the answer you were looking for. You started with a fairly pointless rant and therefore received fairly pointless replies. But the replies were funny.
Tony Allen said:
I thought this site was for intelligent discussion, not idiots!!
i'm disconbobulated again, if you thought this site WASN'T for idiots why did YOU post on it?
id·i·ot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-t)
A foolish or stupid person.
A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

[Middle English, ignorant person, from Old French idiote, from Latin idita, from Greek idits, private person, layman, from idios, own, private. See s(w)e- in Indo-European Roots.]

id·i·ot (d-t)

A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

idi·otk (-tk) adj.

Main Entry: id·i·ot
Pronunciation: 'i-dE-&t
Function: noun
: a person with esp. profound mental retardation
NOTE: While the terms idiot imbecile, and moron survive in many state codes and statutes, they are generally no longer used in both medical and legal contexts. The modern terminology distinguishes between mild, moderate, severe, and profound levels of retardation. Historically persons with mental retardation have suffered legal disabilities (as in not being allowed to marry or vote). Generally today, an adult with mental retardation who is his or her own guardian does not suffer these disabilities.

Main Entry: id·i·ot
Pronunciation: 'id-E-&t
Function: noun
: one affected with idiocy; especially : a mentally retarded person having a mental age not exceeding three years and requiring complete custodial care —idiot adjective


n : a person of subnormal intelligence [syn: imbecile, cretin, moron, changeling, half-wit, retard]

sounds about right to me ;)
stop trying to be intelligent and carry on being an idiot then you wont have to find another forum
i like the fact that its from the french word idiote, i wonder what clever bastard thought that one up
ere yella if you do a search for **** you'll see it used to be a compliment paid to women
I take it this forum doesn't have a 'moderator' then? Or a filter for swearing so everyone puts c*nt or tw@t to slip round it...

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