Thought about it as daughter away for three weeks at Christmas but might not bother from what you guys are saying... Same aa most will help when needed, only last week spent 30 mins sat in middle lane on M25 at 6pm with hazards on and warning triangles out, protecting this guy and his five year old daughter from major accident. Poor guy's Volvo had just gone dead and could not even make it to verge. No lights or power. Getting dark and idiots not slowing or stopping to help. Waited till police arrived and blocked M25 so could get them out of the way. Surprised how many just did not care or see possible danger.
Thought about it as daughter away for three weeks at Christmas but might not bother from what you guys are saying... Same aa most will help when needed, only last week spent 30 mins sat in middle lane on M25 at 6pm with hazards on and warning triangles out, protecting this guy and his five year old daughter from major accident. Poor guy's Volvo had just gone dead and could not even make it to verge. No lights or power. Getting dark and idiots not slowing or stopping to help. Waited till police arrived and blocked M25 so could get them out of the way. Surprised how many just did not care or see possible danger.

It really does depend on how your group operates. There are several groups that carry the response name, but their interactions with the national organisation is minimal. Unfortunately response national has a policy of only recognising 1 response group in their designated area. What you've ended up is a non response group in North East Lincs having more members than the Lincs response group, but they won't deal with us. A similar situation exists in West Yorkshire and i believe east or west midlands similar.
I am quite pally with some of the members of response who feel badges and logos don't matter. Investigate your local group, talk to the members.
I somehow managed to get posts from one of these on Facebook. Thought it a little odd when I saw a conversation offering to quote for a taxi service to collect staff for businesses :confused::confused:
I somehow managed to get posts from one of these on Facebook. Thought it a little odd when I saw a conversation offering to quote for a taxi service to collect staff for businesses :confused::confused:

I had a bit of a rant the other year. The general idea was, you give your availability and your allocated a job.
Got a text saying there was work available, check forum for details. Now call me odd if you like, but i own a 4x4, when the snow falls i am either out helping folks, or out playing silly buggers in the snow, i am not watching a computer screen.
I had a bit of a rant the other year. The general idea was, you give your availability and your allocated a job.
Got a text saying there was work available, check forum for details. Now call me odd if you like, but i own a 4x4, when the snow falls i am either out helping folks, or out playing silly buggers in the snow, i am not watching a computer screen.

LOL, personally I turn the heating up and stay in front of the computer screen. No point in going out in that unless you have to.

I would go if someone rang me, luckily not many people have my phone number :D:D:D:D
LOL, personally I turn the heating up and stay in front of the computer screen. No point in going out in that unless you have to.

I would go if someone rang me, luckily not many people have my phone number :D:D:D:D

I usually blame a flat battery or leaving phone in other coat
LOL, personally I turn the heating up and stay in front of the computer screen. No point in going out in that unless you have to.

I would go if someone rang me, luckily not many people have my phone number :D:D:D:D
I have your number.
and snow means busy!
I have your number.
and snow means busy!


Although I am pretty safe I think :D

Firstly it is highly unlikely you would get stuck, Second if you did I probably couldn't get to within a mile of where it was. Thirdly you would have to be bloody desperate to ring me, I think I would be last on the list due to incompetence (unless I get my winch of course :cool:)

Although I am pretty safe I think :D

Firstly it is highly unlikely you would get stuck, Second if you did I probably couldn't get to within a mile of where it was. Thirdly you would have to be bloody desperate to ring me, I think I would be last on the list due to incompetence (unless I get my winch of course :cool:)
I only need two shouts at the same time.
and your competent, just require practice.
which only comes with doing.
I'm not a member of anything. Last snow I just did bread/grocery runs for a few old dears in the village and friends and family.

If we get any this year, I'll do the same plus a friend who manages 5 travel agents has offered me a transport deal to get some staff in and out of the office.
I only need two shouts at the same time.
and your competent, just require practice.
which only comes with doing.

Actually I do have question. I have fitted all the gear to my Landy and am confident I know where to fasten stuff after the recovery training you and Paul did. I must admit I expect it to be used to recover me out laning but I am fairly confident I know how to connect it all up to another Landy or 4x4 with similar preparation.

What would you tow a car with :eek::eek: I wouldn't have a clue, perhaps we should do some training on that. I have visions of ripping bits off them :eek::eek:
Couple of years ago I spotted a general call for help for volunteers on a friends fb page. Told him I'd be happy to help but being in the middle of the next county any help I could provide could be a bit limited. He agreed and after thanking me and asking if I'd mind helping if something came up closer to me suggested I joined my local 4x4 response.

I couldn't believe the apathy of local 4x4 response.. "we've got all the help we need thanks"

There was snow on the ground and I was out all of one Saturday trying to keep traffic flowing through Bromsgrove. I lost count of the folk I towed up inclines even when I got home for some tea I went out again to help next door neighbour recover his van..... even towed Asda artic on the way home lol
That turned a few heads :lol:

Have now joined volunteer 4x4 owners rescue and recovery for charity on fb

Basically go out and play and ask folk to promise to make a donation to a charity of their choice.

This year on the disclaimer slip will be a tear off with a record of thier pledge ;)
Actually I do have question. I have fitted all the gear to my Landy and am confident I know where to fasten stuff after the recovery training you and Paul did. I must admit I expect it to be used to recover me out laning but I am fairly confident I know how to connect it all up to another Landy or 4x4 with similar preparation.

What would you tow a car with :eek::eek: I wouldn't have a clue, perhaps we should do some training on that. I have visions of ripping bits off them :eek::eek:


If you have no idea where thier tow eye/recovery points are and or neither do they. You can't help unless a shovel old coat/blanket or a push will help
I joined the local Response Team last year and have signed up again. I just ferried a couple of care workers around one morning so they could do their home visits. They got old folk up, washed and dressed them, got their breakfast and administered their meds. I kept my gob shut though. On a few visits their other half seemed to sit and read the paper whilst their hubby/wife was dressed and fed. On one call an old lady's daughter drove 500 yards down the road in her Freelander just to sit and watch whilst her elderly mum was helped out of bed and had her tablets administered. It didn't seem a great use of agencies resources whilst fit and able family members watched on!

That's the only thing that irritated me. 4 hours of my time and the Response Team paid for my fuel. Job done.
What would you tow a car with :eek::eek: I wouldn't have a clue, perhaps we should do some training on that. I have visions of ripping bits off them :eek::eek:

Its a pain, new cars have small square in front bumper which comes out and a towing hook screws in I believe, usually found in boot. Please correct if I'm wrong. :)
What would you tow a car with :eek::eek: I wouldn't have a clue, perhaps we should do some training on that. I have visions of ripping bits off them :eek::eek:
if they want a tug, they tell me where they want a rope attaching to.
I recommend the towing eye to them, advise it "may" be in the boot with the spare wheel etc.
if they cant find it/cant screw it in, they attach the rope.
it is made clear on all occasions, they accept assistance without any liability for damages. if they cant accept this, they stay where they are.
likewise, if its too dangerous to shift, a lift will be offered to the nearest point of transport. (unless their snotty, which you will get at some point!)

beer tokens are mentioned in jest, if offered will be accepted.
Will add those to my list :D

I wouldn't want to go round picking up strangers anyway, seems a bit risky to be honest :confused:

back in the 80`s - yes long time ago - we had that bad snowy winter.
I was cabbing for a living (taxi`ing) was light years before I became 4x4 enabled,
was driving a sierra with snow tyres on, worked my butt off trying to meet the demand of those wanting a cab.
1) had to have hire & reward insurance with public liability - or no work!
2) yes, although prebooked fares, you never knew who it was waiting to get in,
got moaned at for being "late" after being the only car to get up the hill to there addresses :rolleyes:
got moaned at for having wet smelly carpets in the back - caused by snow covered boots of the fares,
but at times the hassle made you feel just so good knowing you got a mum in labour to hospital, an old lady to and from a christmas party,
that sort of thing..

dont do it now, nooo nooooooo, had enough after 14 years (not all snowy) :lol:
but in my infinite wisdom retired early, and spent 6 years as community spokesperson - go between with local distric council -
ended up as a gofor for both council and lazy bar stewards in community,
so gave that the elbow saying enough is enough :monitor_punch:
would I join a responce group now ?
well to be honest, no, I feel I`ve done more than enough helping others in my lifetime.
would I go out and help someone if I was asked locally :confused:
yes, but only if those who asked had helped out others locally in the passed, NO if the stuck ones were uptherown rear ends who helped no one but themselves.

sorry, but thats my slant on life now.

ah, family ?? stuck ??
always bloody helping daughter & son....never ends

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