if they want a tug, they tell me where they want a rope attaching to.
I recommend the towing eye to them, advise it "may" be in the boot with the spare wheel etc.
if they cant find it/cant screw it in, they attach the rope.
it is made clear on all occasions, they accept assistance without any liability for damages. if they cant accept this, they stay where they are.
likewise, if its too dangerous to shift, a lift will be offered to the nearest point of transport. (unless their snotty, which you will get at some point!)

beer tokens are mentioned in jest, if offered will be accepted.

+1 it's up to them to attach the eye and rope to their car its only down to me to check its up to my standards lol
Seems like now days these cars are not meant for towing. Would hate to damage front spoiler and have them try and charge me for replacement. Really need to have written waiver to sign!
if they want a tug, they tell me where they want a rope attaching to.
I recommend the towing eye to them, advise it "may" be in the boot with the spare wheel etc.
if they cant find it/cant screw it in, they attach the rope.
it is made clear on all occasions, they accept assistance without any liability for damages. if they cant accept this, they stay where they are.
likewise, if its too dangerous to shift, a lift will be offered to the nearest point of transport. (unless their snotty, which you will get at some point!)

beer tokens are mentioned in jest, if offered will be accepted.

So I give them the end of the rope with a shackle on and let them attach it, that sounds easy enough. I think I will come out with you and Zip to see how its done first.

If I am going to be venturing out in the snow to rescue you, rather than staying at home in a nice warm house :confused::rolleyes:. do I need snow chains for the wheels

I normally only drive to work and the horses when its bad
If I am going to be venturing out in the snow to rescue you, rather than staying at home in a nice warm house :confused::rolleyes:. do I need snow chains for the wheels
not usually, but i'm considering making a set up for this year, if its gonna be as bad as forecast.
Done our bit over the years. Ambulances Fire engines, many many arctics and trailers clearing roads of tree's to name a few.

Not joined any response groups however I see why you could need the extra safeguards with the ammount of numpties about "helping"

Northants 4x4 response group seemed ok as I met the main guys and they are sound that run the forum until I realised I knew a couple of yellow jacketed flashing beacons I'm in charge type I knew locally that moved on (this was a few years back mind they may have been syphoned out by now.) Never bothered with it. My number, and a few others are held with the district Nurses station. I have a good friend that works there and knows to shout as and when. Fire station and ambulance station had our number after we got them out of a close but probably too proud to call. Incidentally the only driver to actually think when both fire engine was stuck was st the bottom was the Female driver that put in difflock on her scania vs the bloke that didn't have a clue.
My partner is a director in a private care company, I have offered my services if required to get staff to some of the more remote clients. When the snow hits our area, much of it gets cut off.
always carry a disclaimer with me when in bad weather/local plod & such have my number but like most lz members, i,m out and about in bad weather. was with a 4x4 response group but just seem'd to spend most of my time looking for lost walkers that seem'd to turn up in a pub having had a few beers. by that time they had figure'd how to use a phone to call home. but the main reason for leaving the group was the abuse from other walkers and the dirty looks, when your looking for one of ther own
I'ld be interested to look at some disclaimers, might be a good starting point for my own if you don't mind?

I've never used a disclaimer since I consider I'm just helping out a motorist in distress. Once you start giving out disclaimers it could be construed you are a business even though you are not. Tricky situation I know but I tend to judge each case on it's merits, if a vehicle has gone down a bank I would leave it and prioritise the safety of the driver/passenger/passengers. If the vehicle just needed a tug to get some grip then I would of course do it.

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