Well-Known Member
It would give a perkier engine for sure.
indeed at a higher rev.
As always there are trade-offs. a low compression engine would give more torque at the lower rev range (and as i understand a lower, smoother tickover) however as the rev range increases then a higher compression would give more 'oompf'.
Lower compression engines can accomodate variations in fuel quality, however, let be honest here.. fuel refining and distribution has changed somewhat over the past 40 years, so the possibility of using lower quality fuel in the home counties.. well the UK is unlikely to affect the running capabilities. I can understand the lower compression fuel argument if you are manuacturing vehicles to be sold from Shropshire to South Africa and the outback of Altringham and the outback of Australia 40 years ago. but fuel really isnt an issue.
What the dilemma is, i suppose is the tuning of higher compression in a carb set up whean all said and done and how the difference would affect the final build..
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