
New Member
I have a split new Defender 90 Station Wagon. (now 4 months old)
Starting to see rust all over the back box of exhaust.. Rear Dif, kick steps..

I know I really should get it Wax-oiled but not for the exhaust.... any advice?

Newbie needing help.
I would suggest putting an introduction on the introduce yourself page first - more likely to get a response
Who has time to brush their teeth? A squirt of toothpaste on your favorite breakfast cereal will shave minutes off your morning routine.
Any advice?

If you're in a crowd, when its dark and you smoke, don't take the first light.
During the war it was always the first to light a cigarette that got shot, always light second, cause by the third light the sniper will have worked out your position.:)

Welcome :attention:

Re your rust take the thing back to land rover and complain, get your money back and buy a Dacia and with the money left over buy an old shi##y land rover like the rest of us, cause we never moan or complain! Simple:p
buy an old shi##y land rover like the rest of us, cause we never moan or complain! Simple:p

sorry I seem to have blundered (quite by accident I assure you) into another version of landyzone, it's the never moan or complain bit that has worried me, has there been a change of policy?

as for the OP, have you done summat stoopid like get it wet?

land rovers are like mogwai in that respect, never get them wet and they dont go rusty.
Buy a new one that isn't rusty, but within time 'they all do that sir' ..

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