You've only got a diesel beacuse your close to Mersyside and dont want your RR nicked for ram raiding :D:D:p:p

Learn to spell knob:p:D:D:D Someone tried to ram raid an electrical factors not far away from here. They backed into the roller shutter door at high speed, big mistake. What they didn't know that the fork lift truck was parked behind it. What a mess.:D:D
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it all depends. Diesel will give plenty of torque, good for towing..

Torque per tonne is a good indicator rathter than BHP.

Personally, have the 4.6 thor, and, if i press sport mode and flick it onto petrol from LPg it goes like a scalded cat.

personally i like the V8, however, it really comes down to what you will be using it for. Like Datatek said, his diesel will pull astuck tractor, but if you want throttle response in a 4x4 that feels like you are driving an armchair V8..

Handling is a good point also, the EAS system is great for handling and stability, is easy to maintain, avoid coils and make sure you dont let any problems fester.

Think that sums it up. It's more about refinement for me but I have to say, after upping the compression with the new engine, the performance now on LPG is mighty impressive, & after a good run to London today it seems my MPG is improved somewhat. Win win!
Speed and power is great. But to claim a 2.5 is too slow is just bonkers and shows a high level of ignorance. And frankly being a bit of a tit.

Bonkers? I disagree. I don't see too many other "luxury" motors out there with less power behind them. The RR is meant to be a luxury product no? I don't see the luxury in having to wind my motor up to get past someone. I'm not 17 any more driving a 1L Fiesta.

A tit? Well, to be fair, I have been called much worse, so I'm okay with that. But I fear the ignorant comment is perhaps too much. I had driven a few diesels before deciding for my first V8 P38, and they were exactly as described. Too slow. For me. I wouldn't have been happy with the compromise, so I went for the V8. Same this time round. Unhappy with the compromise, so went V8.

The OP asked for opinions, I gave mine. It is, as far as I'm aware, as valid as yours? No need for the hostility and abuse by my reckoning.
Bonkers? I disagree. I don't see too many other "luxury" motors out there with less power behind them. The RR is meant to be a luxury product no? I don't see the luxury in having to wind my motor up to get past someone. I'm not 17 any more driving a 1L Fiesta.

A tit? Well, to be fair, I have been called much worse, so I'm okay with that. But I fear the ignorant comment is perhaps too much. I had driven a few diesels before deciding for my first V8 P38, and they were exactly as described. Too slow. For me. I wouldn't have been happy with the compromise, so I went for the V8. Same this time round. Unhappy with the compromise, so went V8.

The OP asked for opinions, I gave mine. It is, as far as I'm aware, as valid as yours? No need for the hostility and abuse by my reckoning.

Just banter mate.:)
Learn to spell knob:p:D:D:D Someone tried to ram raid an electrical factors not far away from here. They backed into the roller shutter door at high speed, big mistake. What they didn't know that the fork lift truck was parked behind it. What a mess.:D:D

K.N.O.B. learn to punctuate ! :p:p

Oh i bet that left a mess. what a shame for the poor owner of the nicked car.

Police: 'Sir/Madam' we've located the automobile you reported as stolen, errr, you'll need a flat bed and some boxes to pick it up...
Just banter mate.:)

Indeed.. this is Landyzone..

Jaguar forum:

Post from Gerald: My electrics have gone all a-bother, what should i do?
Response from Roger: When you are at the Golf Club i'll pass on the name of a good mecahnic chappie.

Post from XYZ: My EAS isn't working.. what should i do.
Post from everyone: use the effing search funch or the stickies you

Think that sums it up. It's more about refinement for me but I have to say, after upping the compression with the new engine, the performance now on LPG is mighty impressive, & after a good run to London today it seems my MPG is improved somewhat. Win win!
Refinement with that nasty uneven V8 beat? the engine is completely inaudible on my diesel above walking pace unless accelerating hard, that's what I call refinement.:D Rattles, & squeaks from the poor quality interior are the dominant noise followed by tyre noise.:(
Banter is fine. Being called a fcukwit or a golfer is fine. Even being called a tit (although I would generally consider banter to be stronger than that). But being called ignorant isn't banter, generally. Even on the interwebs.

Anyway, I have made my point, some agree, some don't. Kumbaya anyone?
xs2man.. you'll probably have niced that the diesel owners are a little bit tetchy.. probably the combination of smell and noise at low speed.

show them a little sympathy and they're fine

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xs2man.. you'll probably have niced that the diesel owners are a little bit tetchy.. probably the combination of smell and noise at low speed.

show them a little sympathy and they're fine


I have nothing against petrol engines. Just think it's wiser to be doing 30 + mpg at 70 mph than 20 or less. I own lots of things with petrol engines one being a V8 Porsche that my lad is after. :D:D
Bonkers? I disagree. I don't see too many other "luxury" motors out there with less power behind them. The RR is meant to be a luxury product no? I don't see the luxury in having to wind my motor up to get past someone. I'm not 17 any more driving a 1L Fiesta.

A tit? Well, to be fair, I have been called much worse, so I'm okay with that. But I fear the ignorant comment is perhaps too much. I had driven a few diesels before deciding for my first V8 P38, and they were exactly as described. Too slow. For me. I wouldn't have been happy with the compromise, so I went for the V8. Same this time round. Unhappy with the compromise, so went V8.

The OP asked for opinions, I gave mine. It is, as far as I'm aware, as valid as yours? No need for the hostility and abuse by my reckoning.

You must have far quieter roads where you live, to need all this speed. As for over taking.... Well I suspect someone like you who proclaims diesels are too slow and needs to overtake, is one of those prats always on the wrong side of the road, performing dangerous overtakes. Maybe your other cars is an Audi....

Personally I like petrols, indeed all of my current vehicles (5 of them) are petrol. Two turbo charged and two V8's. This however doesn't make me arrogant enough to claim a DSE p38 is too slow.

You may not be 17, but you certainly come across as some 17 year old oik.
I have nothing against petrol engines. Just think it's wiser to be doing 30 + mpg at 70 mph than 20 or less. I own lots of things with petrol engines one being a V8 Porsche that my lad is after. :D:D

In a way this sums it up.

IF you are the kind of person to buy a V8, then tippy toe everywhere trying to get the best mpg from it, well you might as well have bought the diesel. As you'd be able to drive it faster and still see better mpg.

If you want speed and refinement. And as good as the 6 pot diesel is, it still isn't as smooth as the V8. Then the V8 is for the win, just be prepared to pay for the fuel.

Only real downside is, the auto's are always slower and less fun than manuals. Manual 4.0 litres are I would think like hens teeth and the 4.6 was auto only (such a shame!!!). But manual diesels do seem to be more common.

Diesels also tend to have lower spec, while almost all 4.6's will be high spec. And while it might have been available, TCS on diesels is very rare. Although only important if you plan to off road it.
I have nothing against petrol engines. Just think it's wiser to be doing 30 + mpg at 70 mph than 20 or less. I own lots of things with petrol engines one being a V8 Porsche that my lad is after. :D:D

Sure, assuming all your driving is at 70 mph, that is fine. Alas, this is rarely the case.

xs2man.. you'll probably have niced that the diesel owners are a little bit tetchy.. probably the combination of smell and noise at low speed.

show them a little sympathy and they're fine


Quite. That does indeed appear to be the case, hence many of the replies are laced with thinly veiled insults.

As for over taking.... Well I suspect someone like you who proclaims diesels are too slow and needs to overtake, is one of those prats always on the wrong side of the road, performing dangerous overtakes. Maybe your other cars is an Audi....

No, not at all. I'm not always on the wrong side of the road, because I drive a nice V8 P38 that lets me past anything I'm overtaking quickly enough.

My other car is actually a BMW just now, although I do like Audi's, and have owned many.

Personally I like petrols, indeed all of my current vehicles (5 of them) are petrol. Two turbo charged and two V8's. This however doesn't make me arrogant enough to claim a DSE p38 is too slow.

You may not be 17, but you certainly come across as some 17 year old oik.

My other car is a diesel, so I'm not adverse to the dirty fuel at all. But I fail to see it as arrogant to claim that 137 BHP in a truck weighing over two tons is slow. It is simply an opinion, based on experience.

As I've said before, the Range Rover is meant to be a luxury product, and with that, IMO, there should be less frustration when driving it, and it should be smooth. I mean, as I said before, there aren't too many "luxury" motors out there that don't have a decent turn of speed about them. I'm not saying all diesels Range Rovers are too slow, but the P38 is, in my opinion.

In a way this sums it up.

IF you are the kind of person to buy a V8, then tippy toe everywhere trying to get the best mpg from it, well you might as well have bought the diesel. As you'd be able to drive it faster and still see better mpg.

If you want speed and refinement. And as good as the 6 pot diesel is, it still isn't as smooth as the V8. Then the V8 is for the win, just be prepared to pay for the fuel.

Only real downside is, the auto's are always slower and less fun than manuals. Manual 4.0 litres are I would think like hens teeth and the 4.6 was auto only (such a shame!!!). But manual diesels do seem to be more common.

Diesels also tend to have lower spec, while almost all 4.6's will be high spec. And while it might have been available, TCS on diesels is very rare. Although only important if you plan to off road it.

This pretty much sums it up though. If you are worried about running costs, a Range Rover probably isn't right for you anyway, but if that's what you want, then the diesel is probably the correct choice. If I wanted a reliable, cheap to run 4x4, the P38 would have been right near the bottom of the list. But you don't buy a P38 for cheap motoring. And the difference in fuel costs is probably not the greatest cost in running one of these trucks anyway (It's only around £500 a year difference, based on 8k per annum at today's prices, with a petrol averaging 20 mpg, as my 4.6 did, and the diesel averaging 28, as I'd expect it not to do much better).

I personally care not for getting maximum fuel economy out my P38, as I bought it with open eyes. I do care about how it drives on the road though.
Sure, assuming all your driving is at 70 mph, that is fine. Alas, this is rarely the case.

Quite. That does indeed appear to be the case, hence many of the replies are laced with thinly veiled insults.

No, not at all. I'm not always on the wrong side of the road, because I drive a nice V8 P38 that lets me past anything I'm overtaking quickly enough.

My other car is actually a BMW just now, although I do like Audi's, and have owned many.

My other car is a diesel, so I'm not adverse to the dirty fuel at all. But I fail to see it as arrogant to claim that 137 BHP in a truck weighing over two tons is slow. It is simply an opinion, based on experience.

As I've said before, the Range Rover is meant to be a luxury product, and with that, IMO, there should be less frustration when driving it, and it should be smooth. I mean, as I said before, there aren't too many "luxury" motors out there that don't have a decent turn of speed about them. I'm not saying all diesels Range Rovers are too slow, but the P38 is, in my opinion.

This pretty much sums it up though. If you are worried about running costs, a Range Rover probably isn't right for you anyway, but if that's what you want, then the diesel is probably the correct choice. If I wanted a reliable, cheap to run 4x4, the P38 would have been right near the bottom of the list. But you don't buy a P38 for cheap motoring. And the difference in fuel costs is probably not the greatest cost in running one of these trucks anyway (It's only around £500 a year difference, based on 8k per annum at today's prices, with a petrol averaging 20 mpg, as my 4.6 did, and the diesel averaging 28, as I'd expect it not to do much better).

I personally care not for getting maximum fuel economy out my P38, as I bought it with open eyes. I do care about how it drives on the road though.

Just to add 20 to 25 mph round town is also better than 12 or 13. Do i take it you just bought your P38 for status and show then?
No. I would NEVER have bought a P38 for status and show. Why would I buy a £2k car, that is within the buying reach of pretty much anyone with a job, for status and show? A Late L322 or early 405 might achieve this, but a P38?

It was bought because our 5 series estate isn't big enough anymore for our holidaying needs, since the kids are now old enough to go camping. We need the extra space for tents and stuff, and to tow the possible caravan that may or may not happen in the future. Also, the last time we drove down south to see family, it was a tight enough squeeze just the stuff we needed to take for the kids, for a week. Plus the wife could barely fit her ass between the car seats in the back should they need any attention.

Also, the 4wd aspect might come in handy in the winter months when it is imperative that we make it to the airport or else we dont get paid.

Sure, there are other 4x4's that may have fulfilled these requirements too, however space was the main priority, and they don't really get much more spacious than the Range Rover. And the P38 is only for the short term until a TDV8 is within reach.

Sure, there is the around town consumption too, which for many may well be a consideration. Not so much for me as the RR only really gets taken out for proper drives. But for some, it may well matter. Sure, if you're only driving around town though, then none of my arguments stack up, because you wouldn't need anymore power that the diesel offers for the school run, or your "status and show" (although all that black reek spewing out the lumm, and the noisy motor up front may well diminish this factor somewhat).
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No. I would NEVER have bought a P38 for status and show. Why would I buy a £2k car, that is within the buying reach of pretty much anyone with a job, for status and show? A Late L322 or early 405 might achieve this, but a P38?

It was bought because our 5 series estate isn't big enough anymore for our holidaying needs, since the kids are now old enough to go camping. We need the extra space for tents and stuff, and to tow the possible caravan that may or may not happen in the future. Also, the last time we drove down south to see family, it was a tight enough squeeze just the stuff we needed to take for the kids, for a week. Plus the wife could barely fit her ass between the car seats in the back should they need any attention.

Also, the 4wd aspect might come in handy in the winter months when it is imperative that we make it to the airport or else we dont get paid.

Sure, there are other 4x4's that may have fulfilled these requirements too, however space was the main priority, and they don't really get much more spacious than the Range Rover. And the P38 is only for the short term until a TDV8 is within reach.

Sure, there is the around town consumption too, which for many may well be a consideration. Not so much for me as the RR only really gets taken out for proper drives. But for some, it may well matter. Sure, if you're only driving around town though, then none of my arguments stack up, because you wouldn't need anymore power that the diesel offers for the school run, or your "status and show" (although all that black reek spewing out the lumm, and the noisy motor up front may well diminish this factor somewhat).

So you want to be able to overtake quickly on country roads with the kids in the back. Personally i would stick with the P38. TDV8s do have their problems unless of course you have the bank balance to match it's needs. :);)

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