i did wonder if my 110 was going to be there after i came back when i popped round his house last time.
You should probably learn to play the banjo and pretend that your mum is your sisters missus dogs aunt's house cleaner.

The traditional welcome out here is to drop trou' when you approach someones house, it justs common decency.
60, talks posh, is a woman (so absolutely nuts!), Dave would probably call her a gilf...
I stuck a request into Shiply as a giggle to see how much to transport the old girl

so far

Derek has quoted £221 - 65 miles = £3.40 a mile:lol:

Might try it for the motor now;)
just realised... you have a disco!

Your knackered, her ex (10 years ago) had one and now she hates them!

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