
New Member
Morning all,

Having a problem with hot starting. When the engine is upto full temp, and turned off, it sometimes does not want to re-start, and turns over really slowly (like a flat battery)

The readings accross the battery are good, I have swapped out the alternator for a spare, and the starter motor. It starts fine from cold, and does not do this all of the time, and is fine when cooled down a bit. There cooling system and temperature readings are fine.

The only other thing I can think of is perhaps pump timing or valve clearances............any ideas anyone?

Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Assuming you've checked the time it doesn't want to start run a jump lead from the battery to starter to check the main feed. Corrosion means high resistance which may be worse when the cable is warm.....worth checking anyway
Are you waiting for the glow plugs to get hot my 300tdi turns over slow unless the plugs are hot I wait forca few secs after the plug light goes out then spin it.

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