Yogi Bear

New Member
Hi all!

I have just renewed all the hoses, water gaskets and head gasket and it would appear I need to bleed the fuel through to get her going again.

I have undone the bleed screw on top of the fuel filter housing and I have been pumpingaway like a mofo for about half an hour with no fuel at all coming up through the bleed screw.

It feels like there is very little resistance in the lift pumps lever, is this normal until primed?

I just want to get her going again as I have not even had chance to take her out at all since I bought her. She ran fine before doing the gaskets (apart from overheating constantly)

Make sure that you've tightened all the connections up, on the fuel lines filter etc. When I swapped the engine on me 200 I'd forgotten to tighten 1 banjo bolt up, & the fooker would start but had no power & kept stalling :doh:

then slacken bleed screw slightly and crank engine until fuel appears. then tighten screw up and pump lever on lift pump
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if that dont work your lift pump has gone south, just had a nightmare with mine as first time i checked it fuel would still spray out the union on the filter but still couldnt get it to stay running new lift pump sorted it right out though only £30 too
I tried undoing both banjo's on the filter top and turning the engine but no joy. I removed the filter and it was empty so topped it up to the top and chucked a gallon or so of diesel in the tank.

Turned it over till fuel came out, tightened up the banjo's then pumped the lever a little and bosh, first turn of the key.

Cheers guys!

Only downside is my P gasket started ****ing water out lol! Thats getting changed tomorrow.

shuting the gate after the horse has bolted, ah well, useful to watch!

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nxbIzYWADs&p=06C6824400081313&playnext=1&index=3"]YouTube - Land Rover Technical 200 tdi & 300tdi diesel fuel lift pump why sometimes it won't prime....[/nomedia]

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