
New Member
Got a leak from my throttle seal.

I've found a guide to repair on another site, but anybody know anywhere I can get the throttle shaft seals/bush from?

It's a 1994 non EGR pump.

Currently leaking diesel from just around the spindle.

Started again, so solved by new seal, throttle spindle and bush.

Total bill about £40 for all the bits from local Bosch specialist.

Hi is this an easy job as mine started leaking about 4 months ago then stoped a week later but i done the head gasket on sunday and now it has started leaking again?
Yep pretty easy job.

Hardest bit was getting all the parts,but luckily we've got a local diesel injection specialist supplier (Sewells of Leeds) who could get everything.

After that a couple of web searches turned up simple easy guides to the job.

Definately worth doing the spindle/bush,mine was very worn.
Made easier by my specialist supplier fitting the bush for me in the pump top body.


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