
Active Member
after narrowing down the starting issues with the help of this forum and the search box. It now looks like it's the starter motor....however, I can't find it? I've been looking and searching on the web but just can't see it?! Any help would be appreciated or even a point in the general direction, thanks!
Look towards the back of the engine on the passenger side. If you spot a thick cable down there follow it to the starter motor terminal

Thanks for the advice, found it hidden away by following the thick cable to the turbo intake, once off it was in plain sight

It turned out to be very mucky spade connection from the ignition on the starter but if a clean up and she's back up and running!

Thanks all
Had exactly the same on mine in the Summer - called the RAC as I was not in a position to mess about on it at the time. A mixture of embarrassment and relief when it started up.

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