
Active Member
Hi All , Now that I've finished faffing about with the timing belt on my project 300tdi 110 , I decided to fit the new radiator , hoses , and thermostat . Filled it by the book , started up , and ran it for a few minutes with the expansion cap off , I thought it might help with releasing any trapped air in the system , maybe not . In those few minutes the coolant rose from the half way mark to gushing out all over the place . I should add when I initially drove the vehicle home the few miles from where I bought it had the same problem . I'm hoping it's not what I'm thinking it is ?
I also open the radiator and thermostat screws to bleed the cooling system. Squeeze the pipes too .. It can take ages to get it totally free of air, but it does eventually go.
I also open the radiator and thermostat screws to bleed the cooling system. Squeeze the pipes too .. It can take ages to get it totally free of air, but it does eventually go.

I'd be over the moon if it just needed bleeding . It had been lying in a yard for six years before I rescued it . Two core plugs were missing and who knows what abuse it got , but when I replaced them it started straight up and drove with good power and no smoke , but as I reached home the temperature began to climb and the coolant was forcing it's way out of the cap .

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