
Pensioner Pete
Full Member
Was going to increase the fuel supply on the pump today (300tdi) but cant find the screw

Dosen't look like the 200 pump that has a regulator screw like the old peugeots etc

Mine has a plastic block on the back of the pump with wires, not sure if they are for the EGR or someting else.

Could it be something to do with the alarm/imobiliser do you think and any tips while we are here on upping the fuel supply a sniff

if it has no throttle cable and has a big round multiplug for the wiring from the back of the pump it sounds like an edc pump which is controlled by an ecu (is it an auto from 1996) if it is the pump can not be adjusted
Its a basic 300 tdi 1999 Disco 1

Pump controlled by throttle cable, wires from TPS disconnected and EGR disconnected.

The plastic moulding at rear of pump is about inch by inch and a half and three eighths thick

Dont know what the wires at back of pump are for as I dont have an ECU for engine just EGR one
is there a big round multi plug on the side of the pump with 7 black wires in it and a smaller plug below that with 3 wires in ?
is there a big round multi plug on the side of the pump with 7 black wires in it and a smaller plug below that with 3 wires in ?

Just had a look with a torch

Dooh, cleaned it off and its not plastic its part of the ally pump casting.

there is one milti plug in back of pump with three wires from it and I think I have found the adjuster, easier in the dark with a torch:eek:
Fuel stop solenoid wires.

Arr ha

Would one of those go to imobiliser??

I'm tinking that maybe the fuel isn't getting switched on until engine spins up alternator, just a thought
Maybe put live to it tomorrow and see if it starts without ether:)
Yep,later ones are part of alarm. Thats all I know im afraid. Never had 1 with any fancy electric gizmos.
Yep,later ones are part of alarm. Thats all I know im afraid. Never had 1 with any fancy electric gizmos.

Gonna take the plug off and run a live to the solenoid, worst that can happen is the alarm could go off :)

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