Yes sir.. just be careful not to damage the seats.. and when putting the new ones in get the oil holes lined up and where they are seated. I also froze the bearings so they are a bit smaller
Wow looks perfect... would of made things a lil easyer. Worth also having somthing like wood for the other end to keep the rod centered and a big solid washer to sit against the block
btw the machine shop only wanted £30 to change the cam bearings so I said fill yer boots :D

they dont need line boring do they james?
they are vandavel (not sure on the spelling) NOS OEM from dunsfolds. what do you reckon?
they should be fine we used to use them if original parts ,who knows with the recent stuff as you know ,unless its high volume its often made in less quality factories in the east
Done a bit more work on it yesterday, got the rocker asembally back on the heads, so the heads are good to go on now. cleaned out the sump and remade my oil feed out of steel.
Please ignore the welding.. my mask was dying so I did most of it with my eyes closed lol!
It looks ****, but its solid.
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