
New Member
Hey guys,

Now i replaced my fobs battery and well it work well for about 3 weeks now its playing up again! now i am happy to lock it with the key for now BUT if i do that and then unlock it with the key the alarm goes off and yep cant start the car ::fighting: i am now at the point in taking 5 - 10 mins trying to unlock my car with the fob just so i can drive it. any ideas?

put the fob to your head and press it, dont know why but it seems to boost the signal.

The fobs are notoriously crap and you have to be so close to the vehicle that you could just reach over and put the key in the door.

But you do end up looking like a bit of a plonker.

Btw what year and model?

And no this is not a wind up I have to do it.
When I bought mine, the vendor said "alarm works on the key but not on the fob".

Swapped in a new battery and - hey presto! - armed the alarm with the fob. Went to bed feeling rather smug.

Following morning, it took two of us half an hour to get the immobiliser deactivated (after I stopped it being noisy) so the fob has now been dismantled and put where it can't do any harm.

I'm back on the key and staying that way.
Sorry for the delay on getting back its a 95 reg 300tdi ES i would love just just use the key but as i said it wont deactivate the alarm or immobilizer when unlocked with a key. Its a strange issue i have tried using it near my head aswell also removing the battery for a few secs then putting them back in i now carry a spare battery with me so its not fun.
What's this "strange Issue" I assume u have a two button fob system, therefor if so you either have a faulty battery in the fob or the fob it's self is faulty.
on my '95 tdiS I only had a one button fob

Ok then you have 'active' alarm and immobilising which means u can use the key in the drivers lock to set/ unset u don't need a fob, (two button system is passive and requires a fob).

Turning the key sets the alarm and also immobilises the engine via micro switches at the rear of the lock barrel, therefore u will need to check these are operating, the operating cam is plastic so can break.
Your system may be still set although u have unlocked the door.

I not sure but believe the setting/un setting operation requires u to hold the key in one direction for a couple of seconds, I sure someone with the single button system will confirm or not. :)
Yes Discool i have the 2 button fob, it has finally packed up on me i think and whats worse is the past owners didnt keep the EKA Code? i did lock it with the key thou but of course i cant drive it as the alarm sounds and then the engine is dead. is the 2 button able to lock and unlock with the key? if so im guessing the alarm system isnt being triggered when i unlock.
You can get the EKA code again but I think you will have to find someone with T4 testbook diagnostics (try to keep away from the main stealers as they will overcharge).

I have mine but its never worked since ive had the disco (and trust me I have tried many times).

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