
New Member
OK so have taken delivery of my new 2010 Range Rover which is amazing.

One complaint though - they have put in a really clever TFT as a dashboard - but haven't linked up the satnav or stereo into it! So, unlike mercedes and other premium makes, it doesn't display any of that information on the dash which would have been brilliant!

...just a rant!
How devastating for you. :eek: If you drop back here in about 5 years or so, there may be some DIY hints available, otherwise, if you don't want to wait that long, why not use your brand new, fabulously watertight, all-singing Land Rover Warranty to sort out any issues you have with your brand new, amazing 2010 Range Rover?? I think you'll find that even L322 models haven't quite made it on here regularly yet, let alone 2010 models.....:p:rolleyes:
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One complaint though - they have put in a really clever TFT as a dashboard - but haven't linked up the satnav or stereo into it! So, unlike mercedes and other premium makes, it doesn't display any of that information on the dash which would have been brilliant!

...just a rant!

Forgot to mention....my Audi S8 is linked up like that, and its a 2001 model, so clearly Land Rover have a bit to learn about the finer technological points, don't they?

my leerjet only comes with one auto pilot, no auto co-pilot and no auto manicurist!!! and to top it off there was no spare wheel!!! fecking waste of time, what do we pay these isiots for???

if the rangey isnt much cop, fetch it over and i'll do you a straight swap for my p38, the gps displays on the screen on the dash (well suckered to the window but its close to the dash)

some people are neva satisfied!!!
Oh for goodness sake!

Why are you concerned? Your chauffeur should consider themselves privileged to be driving such a fine car.

I bet those ruffians at Land Rover even forgot to put a Fortnum and Mason hamper in the boot. Tsk!
OK so have taken delivery of my new 2010 Range Rover which is amazing.

One complaint though - they have put in a really clever TFT as a dashboard - but haven't linked up the satnav or stereo into it! So, unlike mercedes and other premium makes, it doesn't display any of that information on the dash which would have been brilliant!

...just a rant!


you could rig up a video camera at the sat nav and stero and have it played back on a 3"lcd monitor bluetacked to the steering wheel on wireless of course dummy.
i just ordered my 2013 range rover wont get it till 2020 what ever iam i going to do iam besides my self with worry

I think you are being treated unfairly by the members of this usually helpful bulletin board.

I have previously owned a Classic and a P38 and now have a 2002 L322, which I love to bits. I'm not rich, just like to spend my hard earned cash on nice things. If I could afford a new Rangie, I would have one and, like you, share my experiences with it.

Guys - I've seem some pretty limp wristed topics on this board in the past, so let's not be too quick to shoot a newcomer down.

Webmaster - perhaps we should have an L322 section all to ourselves, if we are going to cause so much offence by owning such a great car.

I'll get my coat....................
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I think you are being treated unfairly by the members of this usually helpful bulletin board.

I have previously owned a Classic and a P38 and now have a 2002 L322, which I love to bits. I'm not rich, just like to spend my hard earned cash on nice things. If I could afford a new Rangie, I would have one and, like you, share my experiences with it.

Guys - I've seem some pretty limp wristed topics on this board in the past, so let's not be too quick to shoot a newcomer down.

Webmaster - perhaps we should have an L322 section all to ourselves, if we are going to cause so much offence by owning such a great car.

I'll get my coat....................

You probably need a nice new shiny forum for new Range Rovers where all the merits of the lack of champagne and good chaffeurs can be discussed at length. :p Oh, and the fact that the TFT screen isn't quite right. :doh: Leave the messy, rubbishy P38 and Classic guttersnipes right here where they belong, trying to get / keep the vehicles moving safely and other such DIY things which new RR owners obviously do not have to worry about :eek:
If I could afford a new Rangie, I'd probably draw from past experiences and buy something better built and finished:D.......until then I'm stuck with my venerable P38 which isn't (touch wood) giving the problems that certain luckless L322 owners on here recently are having with their cars.

I reckon, if you can't stand the heat, don't fan the fire by bragging about your 2010 Rangie on here - tsk, fancy not having your fave champers served up by the onboard butler, indeed.:cool:
Who's Webmaster???? Is that Patrick Moores new alter ego since GamesMaster finished??
i'm sure he said he was gonna work out what my morse code said!!!! it'd be good if the 2011 rangey came with a morse code translator.

the 2010 model actually comes with optional sense of humour!!!

and another thing, how can it be a 2010 model if you can buy em in 2009,
well his morse reads, there's banter and there's banter - whatever that means ?

and your's reads - Whogivesa****whatconfuciussays

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