
New Member
I had an odd one today, I went to start the 90 today and turned the key and got nothing except the usual dash lights, no sign of the starter trying, I stuck it in gear and rocked it to no effect. I suspect something electrical, 1st question, how do I get to the solenoid connections, I can barely see the starter? 2nd question, is there a relay or anything between the ignition switch and the starter solenoid?
After several attempts it suddenly sprang into life and then worked fine on the next couple of starts. I'd like to get to the bottom of this as I could do without this happening in a difficult situation!
Any suggestions?
The stop solenoid is here on the injector pump...

It might be that yours is stickin' or knackered or might just need the connectors cleaned.
If ye need to remove it, either cut down a spanner to get into the tight space or remove the injector pipes;)
Thanks mate but the problem is that it didn't turn over, if it was the pump it would crank but not fire and mine didn't spin over at all!
taint just yer plugon wire come off the solenoid issit? happened to me the other week
was easier to purrit back on from underneath
Bollix! Just read the post again:doh:

Ye'll need tae remove yer down pipe to get to yer starter as it gives ye a bit of room tae get at it. It's a much easier job to remove the starter with two folk, but can be done by yersel'.
Ye'll need some extension bars fur yer sockets as they can be a right bastid tae get to! Ah hadn't got round to doin' me how to's at this point so only the odd photie tae show ye.

It might be that I've a poor connection there and the fact that it worked again might support that. I don't fancy lying in the snow under it to find out though!! That's partly why I was wondering what else it might be to check first.
bigandyt, have you been off roading/wading in it? I had the same problem with mine after a couple of P&P days, I took the starter off and removed the solenoid and cleand the solenoid out (full of muddy water) then took the starter apart (again full of muddy water) gave them both a good clean out with brake cleaner and then reasembled them using silicone on all of the joints to stop water getting back in, I have noticed on the odd occasion ussually on a really cold morning that the starter has failed to turn, after holding the ignition on for a few seconds it fires up, as though it's melting ice inside the starter??? don't get too scared about stripping the starter down their a piece of **** to work on.
Thanks for the suggestion, come to think about it, although I haven't been offroading, we had some seriously heavy rain a few weeks back and I did go through some quite deep water at a fair speed with water spraying up in the air (it seemed like fun at the time and I have a snorkel and high level breathers etc.) I guess I may have given the starter a good soaking and maybe some water made it's way in there. I would have though that it would have evaporated out by now with the heat of the engine? If it happens again I'll hold the key on for a while to try to melt any ice and then give it a minute and try again. If that works then I know it must be freezing up inside and will have no option but to pull the starter apart and clean it out and seal it up.
~It did it again this afternoon so I held the key round for about 15 seconds to hopefully warm up the solenoid, I waited about 30 seconds, to maybe melt any ice, and bingo she started first go and then again each time since. It looks like I shall be pulling the starter out when the weather improves a bit!
I noticed Buster's photos show an earth connection to the starter body.
Is that normal on a 200TDi? Mine doesn't have it.

Second question - the parts manual shows a heatshield for the 200TDi starter but my Defender doesn't have one fitted; is that important?


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