That head is now off and my original has been tested and skimmed. I'll change the injectors ect over tonight and tomorrow I'll refit the head.
That head is now off and my original has been tested and skimmed. I'll change the injectors ect over tonight and tomorrow I'll refit the head.
Did the hg yesterday again.. Took it for a drive. Hasn't lost water but all the hoses feel really hard when she's hot. Is thst how they are supposed to be when it had a plastic 200tdi expansion tank, before I had the little metal 19j expansion tank with a blow off pipe.
It is a pressurised system, which will firm up the hoses. Have a look in the expansion tank (lid off) when it's running. If any engine gasses are getting in, you will see bubbles.
they won't be rock hard, but will be very firm. iirc the cap is around 14psi. that's how they are meant to be, not soft and easily squishy. :)
Yes the breather is but it hasn't lost water so I'm going to have a guess at worn rings. I'm also going to drop the oil soon.
Yes the breather is but it hasn't lost water so I'm going to have a guess at worn rings. I'm also going to drop the oil soon.
Have you checked your oil level? When my head was cracked, water used to find it's way into the sump and increase the oil level.
From your last vid, there looks like water leak stain on rearmost cylinder indicating leak, however gasket looks fine. Maybe its old.

Heavely water contaminated oil can "boil" off and appear like a h/g failure.
Change the oil and do or get done a compression test. Significantly lower pressure in one or two cylinders will show up damaged bores/rings. Very unlikely that all four cylinders develop fault at same time, hence the value of compression test comparrsion of cylinders.
Cheers guys. The oil light has been flickering tonight when idle but goes off when revved. Plan is to drop the oil and put in fresh anyway so I'll see what comes out of the sump. I do have a pressure test kit that I brought to use before I jumped in at the headgasket so i can check the rings on that to see what I get. Apart from the puffing she runs sweet enough, seems down on power from what I remember but I've also added a roll cage so the extra weight won't help..

I replaced my fuel spill rail with one from paddocks and it keeps blowing the frickin things off the banjos so I've tie wrapped those also.

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