
hi guys , was on some private land yesterday when I drowned my 200tdi in a river , wasent my intention to go in there as were were heading around the outside of it but slipped in , I stopped her before she stopped herself, winched out then removed the plugs and air filter and got her going again , on the way home she locked up from residue water somewhere and now wont turn over either

had the head off and sump last night and no 1+4 are half an inch below TDC so it seems it has badly bent con rods

do I replace the rods from a 300tdi block I have hanging around or fit the head on the 300 and fit that instead? would I likely to have crank damage on the 200?

think the rods are made of toffee. you'll have to cut them to get them out.crank should be ok.

you're not very good at this off roading malarky are you?
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think the rods are made of toffee. you'll have to cut them to get them out.crank should be ok.

you're not very good at this off roading malarky are you?

do you not think the rods were designed like that, as a pressure vale sort of thing, to stop the more expensive item, the crank, from bending.
they designed the pushrods like toffee in the stems, but there ends do 1000 upon 1000`s of miles without wear - until a cam belt goes, then they too bend like toffee.

the 200dti engine is old fashioned I agree, but they just keep going,
so in that Instance, they were designed for abuse and more..

as for offroading yellow 90`s..................

Err, "no comment".... but you did give me a smile upon reading ...;)
Bloody hell, not again??

Why not just strip the engine, check the damage and then make a decision based on what you find?

Or do the right thing and hand over the poor Landy to someone who will give it slightly less of a hard time!
:doh: time for some lessons in offroad driving i think. But con rods aint too bad. I blew a block apart once.
right well after stripping I have found the block is shot as its split a bore !

now the engine is scrap I have to try and make one from a few 200's and 300's I have hanging around , 300tdi bottom end and head from 2 different engines and maybe the turbo and manifolds from my 200 defender engine? anybody know if this works? I have fitted the studs and tested the manifolds on the head so it physicly does fit but not tried on the block for oil feeds ect yet

oh and by the way things like this happen often as I am offroad every weekend and moest weekdays and do go to some really harsh places as in this case , this truck is my offroad vehicle though its not my main transport so although its a pain when its down its not critical
I'd like to put 5 imaginary LZ points down on yellow being the one who calls LZIR the most this year, we're already on two counts
Thought it was twice ? Once with the ratchet strap incident that you ended up sorting yourself then again when fully stuck
Thought it was twice ? Once with the ratchet strap incident that you ended up sorting yourself then again when fully stuck

nope just the once , the ratchet strap post was just there to show if somebody else is in emergency how they might be able to get out

obviously it depends how stuck you are

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