right well after stripping I have found the block is shot as its split a bore !

now the engine is scrap I have to try and make one from a few 200's and 300's I have hanging around , 300tdi bottom end and head from 2 different engines and maybe the turbo and manifolds from my 200 defender engine? anybody know if this works? I have fitted the studs and tested the manifolds on the head so it physicly does fit but not tried on the block for oil feeds ect yet

oh and by the way things like this happen often as I am offroad every weekend and moest weekdays and do go to some really harsh places as in this case , this truck is my offroad vehicle though its not my main transport so although its a pain when its down its not critical

you cant mix 300 heads with 200 pistons, you shouldnt swap pistons without measuring them first and bores, running clearance is tiny less than 2 thou
why does it bother you? am I asking you to join in,answer any questions or read my threads?

I do a lot of offroading in very harsh places , its to be expected I have problems and breakages

Total lack of mechanical sympothy and driving like a complete idiot causing entirely preventable situations.
Supposedly you work as hgv fitters-is that driving a broom?

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