ugly duck

New Member
hi can anyone help me with a glitch i have on a 200tdi defender.... its only running on 3 cylinders can anyone shed some light on the problem for me ?
thanks in advance
getting fuel at all the injectors ?

im affraid i havent looked its not my 90 its me girlfriends, im trying to get some advice to try save her more pennys at the garage, but im thinking injectors anyway...
its just a pitty there so pricey to get to check em... is there anyway you can test em ?
Theres a few ways to check them use a leak back tester if you have go one failing that just crack the injector pipes off a tinny bit. BEWARE using this method though as the fuel will be very high pressure and also nearly atomized so dont get too close or breath it in. If fuel comes out the pipe u no its prob an injector at fault.
It was a seized injector on my 200tdi engine that i had been running on **** fuel, 100miles into a 120 miles journey noticed it was down on power, head out of window and realised i was doing a red arrows impersonation!
Got to destination, engine ticking over and smoking away like a good un, cracked the injectors, no3 made no difference to the running.
Off to screwfix injector cleaner, remove and empty fuel filter, fill it full of injector cleaner, still ****, ten miles later it came back on all four and has been fine since.
Very ocassionally hesitatates to start, which is what it did before the smoking started.

hi guys thanks for all the help we've now found the problem and found it has nothing to do with the engine at all.... someone had a put a disco front prop shaft on the 90's back end.... which has ripped the splines and it almost about to snap completely....
once again thanks for the help.....

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