just a point about viscous fans, and the heat sensitive coil that makes it work (I think) ?
looked at mine when I done a cambelt change and some of its oil/lubricant had seeped out making the front facing coils a trap for dirt,
so gave it a good clean out with parrafin and brush.
not 100% but it now seems the coil has more room to "coil" and let the viscous coupling work when hot.....
only got a bit hot the other week on a warm day at 70mph on the A12....
till I remembered the more than half covered rad blind was still fitted.
a quick stop, and my "rad blind" (lump of plastic sheet) removed and it was just fine again..
been running my TeeDee5 for 3 yeard with no viscous. No Drama.
I have a electric fan on my 300tdi and it is brilliant, even in 2nd gear low range giving it the beans in the sahara at 30 degree heat it kept the engine running cool, and when we stopped for lunch or whatever the electric fan would keep running until the engine got nice and cool and then switch off.

People always say viscous is more reliable but on our trip the viscous on the other car broke and my leccy fan was a dream :D

Anyway as has been said, a good rad is far more important than the cooling fan.
my viscous is buggered too for the last couple of years n has never overheated but i will be getting it repaired at some point :D
Electric every time for me, I use the aircon fans on the P38, you can buy them from breakers for not a lot and a stat is a tenner or so.

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