
New Member
New to the forum so Hi everybody.
Broken valve spring on my 200tdi defender resulted in number one piston and inlet valve trying to be in the same place at the same time. Sadly it didn't work.
Head is scrap, so is the piston and push rod bent, but the bores look like new.
Trying to figure out if this is repairable (ever the optomist) although I think I know the answer!
The fly in the ointment is that if I put a feeler gauge next to the piston it's .2 above the block on the turbo side and just below flush on the other at TDC.
I think bent con rod. Has anybody experienced similar and have any ideas about likely damage to the crankshaft, camshaft.
Those who know better say only a hydraulic lock will bend a con rod on a 200tdi but no evidence of this when I pulled it apart.
Obvious answer is to have a look but it's stranded in France and I'm back in the UK. New bits to France is cheaper than bringing it back.
Any thoughts, condolences or un-emotional common sense most welcome.
Hmm, hard to hazard a guess tbh, if the piston is on the p!ss then it's likely to be something bent for sure, max protrusion of any piston is .8mm, although that is usually a flat measurement ;)

You could check the con rod by stripping the arse end out of the engine, remove the piston & conrod and check for measurements that way, it's possible the gudgeon pin could be out rather than the rod itself, but factor in the cost of replacing parts and putting it all back together, i'd be more inclined to source a replacement engine and keep that one for spares.

The crank is unlikely to be damaged beyond replacing the bearings i feel, and I'd consider doing that when you strip the arse end out of it anyway to be on the safe side, get it reground anorl will help eliminate any concerns ( or show them up ).
Thanks Paul, this is what my head has been telling me.
Parts are the killer, £2100 for bits in the uk and 4000 euro in France before we consider anything below the piston!
As it was what turned out to be a non OEM valve spring that did the deed I'm only going for genuine from here on in.
Back to France next month so I'll pull the rest of it apart and see, but I think a new motor will be the way forward given the costs. Says a lot for the engine that it was still running with a rattle after all that. This is why I love it! Hmm, 700 miles on three cylinders....maybe not.
Thanks for the advice.
Why are you even considering paying 2100 for parts when a recon engine is a grand????
It's amazing what you will consider when you are stuck in the middle of nowhere with all your tools in the back and a sailing boat hanging off the tow bar.
Blind panic led me down that route, right up to the point where I got the quote!!!!
Prospect of spending that amount of money was strangely calming. Boat and Landy both safely tucked up in a barn which only leaves the conudrum of taking engine to Mohammed or bringing the mountain back
Cant you book a week off, throw a new engine in the back of a mates transit along with your tools, your mate and an engine hoist..and go fix?
Funny you should say that! One or two little niggles that would be so much easier to sort out in the dry with an endless supply of cheap red wine!
Every cloud etc.

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