
I'm getting a flashing battery light on my dash and the dash lights up and then I get a Transfer fail safe, HDC, seat belt errors, etc and the car dies. I also found out that I have bad vanos seals giving me Lambda, cam shaft control and misfire 4 errors.
I put in a new battery in and then after a week it did the same thing. Can someone with a diagnosis please?
Check the alternator is charging properly 14,5 v or more at 2000 rpm with lights heat every thing on, if all good then there is some thing draining the battery which on an L322 there are lots of possibility's from head light wipers not parking, alternator diode gone, the list goes on.
I believe it is an alternating issue as well. When the car is on I'm only getting 12.1vdc. It's probably a bad diode. I'm going to buy a rebuild kit. Please advise.

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