Nah, grommets should be fine, they just need lovely circular pressure squishing discs to encourage squish of the uniform variety.
The business end of the grommets is the, er, middle.:p
Sly - I think the solution has been found. The lack of washer did not allow you to put the proper torque on the gasket to create the needed seal.

Fortunately you can fix this repair, one nut at a time, and avoid removing the valve cover.

The hose you are asking about - where does it come from?

Are you getting any codes?
The mystery hose - goes to a hard shaped black plastic hose that goes to a rubber hose that attaches to a solenoid type valve on the front of bank 2, upper timing cover. It kinda snakes around. I believe it is the fuel purge valve.
What mystery hose?

One hose on mine that was a mystery for all of two minutes was the diff breather hose, this slots into the r/h (drivers side USA) cam cover.
Sly was asking. In his pictures he asked about a hose that appears to come off the throttle body.

Maybe he figured it out.
see attached . The little hose comes from the rear of the engine compartment.


  • throttle body hose.pdf
    3 MB · Views: 172
I am a bit confused. If it is the hose that comes off the throttle body it goes to that solenoid/valve I mentioned earlier.

If that is not it - I think you have some hoses plugged in wrong. Here is what I think. The little hose you have plugged into the big hose (the one that attaches to the passenger side of the throttle body) is incorrect. The little hose plugs into the hard big air pipe - a small nipple should be there. Then you are missing a bigger hard plastic pipe that loops over the throttle body and goes to the solenoid valve. This hose plugs into the throttle body hose.

That is my guess.
To all and kg74 here are pictures of the hose connected to the throttle body hose. Is this where it goes?correct


  • 20170628_163622_HDR.pdf
    2.6 MB · Views: 206
  • 20170628_163635_HDR.pdf
    3.3 MB · Views: 176
  • 20170628_163819_HDR.pdf
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  • Throttle.pdf
    3 MB · Views: 209
Incorrect. That small plastic pipe goes to the nipple on the intake boot. Looking at the boot, the left side goes into the MAF and then bends - goes straight - and bends about 90 degrees to fit over the throttle body. At the second 90 degree bend, just before it is fitted over the throttle body you will see two nipples. The larger one takes a plastic snap on fitting and below it will be a small nipple fitting. The rubber end fits over this hard plastic nipple that comes out of the boot. It may have broken off, but it is located near and below the snap on fitting for the other larger plastic tube. If it broke off you can fashion a repair by finding a suitable plastic or metal pipe and using JB Weld or equivalent. Just look up Range Rover intake boot and you will find a picture for your year and model.

The larger hose that you are incorrectly using that comes off the side of the throttle body takes a hard tube that goes to that fuel purge valve I mentioned in my early post.
see pics. Got it. KG the Throttle body hose connects to the fuel purge hard hose and the current hose i have connected to the throttle body hose goes on the small nipple on the MAF boot. So these pics of hose connections are wrong. I understand.


  • MAF.pdf
    7.3 MB · Views: 217
I don't think you got it right. The hose that comes off the throttle body - passenger side goes to the fuel purge hard hose then purge valve. The hose on the MAF boot goes to the plastic hose that runs to the back of the engine - the 2-3 inch rubber piece of hose goes over the small nipple. In your prior post #54, the pictures you show are the hose that goes to the MAF Boot small nipple. That rubber piece connects the nipple and plastic pipe.

The hose you have plugged into the MAF small nipple goes into the TB hose - you show it in post #54 pic labeled "Throttle".

If I am seeing your pictures correctly take the plastic hose with the clear lettering you currently show going to the MAF boot little nipple and stick it into the rubber hose that is coming off the throttle body passenger side. So from TB to fuel purge valve. Making fuel vapor at the throttle body go to the fuel purge valve.

Make sense?
Look at this link:

Look at Figure 8. You will see the small hose on the MAF that goes back on the side of the Driver side valve cover.

Look at Figure 13 (left picture) you will see on the left of the picture the hose we have been saying comes off the throttle body - actually it is on the intake manifold spacer behind the throttle body - under the yellow arrow you will see how the hose that comes from the fuel purge valve plugs in.

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