
New Member
My 2001 Freelander will not connect to a LR T4 diagnostic unit. I've had a look at both the Rave CD and a Haynes manual but I can't find a complete diagram of the diag socket. The Rave CD suggests four wires but I have 5 (picture attached);

If I have this right,
Pin 5 pink
pin 8 purple
pins 12 & 13 black (spliced together)
pin 15 pink

Can anyone send me details of what the socket pinout should be (or pictures)?



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Thanks guys,

I have seen the odbII pinout diagrams but what I need it what a 2001 freelander wired socket should be.

I was using testbook ver 5.06 (doesn't have the 2001 model listed though). I did stupidly payed a LR "specialist" £60 to tell me (looks like t4 testbook ver 6.0) there is a fault communicating with the EWS3D ECU.
Thanks guys,

I have seen the odbII pinout diagrams but what I need it what a 2001 freelander wired socket should be.

I was using testbook ver 5.06 (doesn't have the 2001 model listed though). I did stupidly payed a LR "specialist" £60 to tell me (looks like t4 testbook ver 6.0) there is a fault communicating with the EWS3D ECU.

Thats the immobilisation ecu,T4 will ask you to switch to the grey plug for it to read whilst on the way in,then go back to blue after its had a chat with it.
I meant the actual CD,not the software issue,5.06 is fine,the disc you need will be something like DRG35/36.
May be worth topping off the battery voltage by running the engine when you try using T4,also power up the docking station with mains power if you are using the old type which holds the handheld tester.
We never got as far as switching to the grey plug and the CD is DRG0022. I have attached a screen shot of the error in testbook. How do I tell what year my freelander was made? I have found the ODBII pinout in the electrical library on the rave CD and it doesn't match mine at all (also attached)


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I have just re-checked my pinout and I have the following (I misread pin 1)

3 - B (Black)
4 - B (Black)
7 - K (Pink)
13 - K (Pink)
16 - P (Purple)

pins 3 & 4 are spliced together.

which is very close to the pinout in the Electrical Library in the Rave CD.
We never got as far as switching to the grey plug and the CD is DRG0022. I have attached a screen shot of the error in testbook. How do I tell what year my freelander was made? I have found the ODBII pinout in the electrical library on the rave CD and it doesn't match mine at all (also attached)
Wrong disc ! If its a 2001 TD4 you need disc DRGTL27 on up to DRGTL35,any of those will do.DRG0022 is for Freelanders up to the end of 2000 with the L series Rover diesel.That disc also does RRC,P38,D1,D2 Defender.
The 01 on Freelanders all had their own disc.
In the VIN you should see 1A before the last six numbers,if it were a 2000 it would say YA,1999 XA, etc.
Thanks, We were slowly coming to that conclusion. It has a 1.8 K series engine (on a Y plate, last 6 digits of the vin are 307866). Which CD would I need and does anyone know where I can get one?

The earliest disc I have for them is drgtl27 and the newest is drgtl35,but I think there is also drgtl36.They cost me alot because I was one of the very first indies to buy T4 back in 2003.(Nearly £11k with the Vat back then)
The discs do come up on E bay now and again,if you get really stuck I may be able to help.Whats actually wrong with the car ?
It's a long (and boring) story but....I had a new lock set fitted (and I mean new) by my local garage (a Rover specialist) but he could not find his T4 freelander disk to pair the new ECU to my car.

So I took it t 2 different LR "Specialists" both were unable to communicate with the immobilizer ECU so they could not pair it to my car or add a the new keys to the old ECU.

I went back to my local garage and he had found his LR disk but it is the DRG0022 disk I mentioned.

I am currently running the old ECU but I only had one transponder chip (so I only have 1 key that will start the engine). I have paid out £300 in parts and labour (including £60 to tell me the ECU wont communicate).

I could do with getting the ECU communicating properly so I can either add a second key or pair the new ECU (that I have 2 transponders for).

My local garage mechanic is a star and it's one of the LR specialists that have basically robbed me of £60 (and an hour of my time).

We / I have checked the line to the ground and the line to the ECU (both passed a continuity tests), but with out the right CD I can't go any further (well without re-mortgaging my house). I have access to the T4 machine I just need to find the right software to try to program the ECU. Any help is much appreciated.
We never got as far as switching to the grey plug and the CD is DRG0022. I have attached a screen shot of the error in testbook. How do I tell what year my freelander was made? I have found the ODBII pinout in the electrical library on the rave CD and it doesn't match mine at all (also attached)

If you register for free on TOPIx:


You can type in your VIN and find lots of info on your Freelander.

Including the day it was built!
I'm a first post spamming ******* and don't give two ****s about any of you. I just come on here as I was searching the web as business is slow.

Anyways, I will give all forum members 75% discount off any price my competitors quote you.

Hi Hippo

I can see that from your abusive low level intelligence response to my original post that you have no manners and like to swear to make your point.

I posted my post to be helpful, not to really advertise my business, If I wanted to advertise the website I would have. (I posted my email)

Your inane response is suggestive of a learned simpleton...

For someone who wants to be seen as an elder on here (posting lots of garbage IE high posts does not equal High IQ ..obviously.)

You are doing the members a dis-service.

A more adequate response would have been an email to me.
If you want to learn about discounts (even in a facetious manner) I suggest you learn how to convey a message without using gutter language.

By the way if you would like an education, call me on 01792 896404, whereby I would be glad to set you straight.


Oh....do not forget to delete this post if it tells the truth and damages your image....lol:D
don't judge him too harshly Remobilise

we get a lot of that type of thing on here and peeps are, justifyably, getting hacked off about it.

it's not in Hippos nature to be abusive, normally, and he has helped a vast amount of Freelander owners with their problems!

:welcome2: to the site btw ;)
don't judge him too harshly Remobilise

we get a lot of that type of thing on here and peeps are, justifyably, getting hacked off about it.

it's not in Hippos nature to be abusive, normally, and he has helped a vast amount of Freelander owners with their problems!

:welcome2: to the site btw ;)
Thats a fair point on the adverts side.
Hi Hippo

I can see that from your abusive low level intelligence response to my original post that you have no manners and like to swear to make your point.

I posted my post to be helpful, not to really advertise my business, If I wanted to advertise the website I would have. (I posted my email)

Your inane response is suggestive of a learned simpleton...

For someone who wants to be seen as an elder on here (posting lots of garbage IE high posts does not equal High IQ ..obviously.)

You are doing the members a dis-service.

A more adequate response would have been an email to me.
If you want to learn about discounts (even in a facetious manner) I suggest you learn how to convey a message without using gutter language.

By the way if you would like an education, call me on 01792 896404, whereby I would be glad to set you straight.


Oh....do not forget to delete this post if it tells the truth and damages your image....lol:D
If you'd come on here to give advice, you'd get a warmer welcome. You really do need to read more of me posts. I can't delete others posts. It's a real shame I know. Mods and admin can. We live in hope. Hippo fer mod. Vagrent will do the poll. :eek:

ere's one to get yer started: http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f9/freelander-kv6-cambelt-176621.html
I only have 3 wires to the socket !
WhatsApp Image 2022-11-08 at 12.58.54.jpeg

Seems weird to me...

OBD reader gives no connection to vehicle error

Can anyone confirm, Freelander 2.0 diesel from 2.000

Doe anyone have a pinout ?

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