
New Member
hi everyone, driving home the other night bout 30mph and for about a second or 2 the engine cut out and all lights went off before coming back to life again and getting me the rest of the way home. could smell abit of burning possibly plastic for the rest of my journey. Switched her off and she will not start again. dash lights etc all working. any ideas what this could be?? Thanks in advance :)
I'd start with the intro section ;)

And if you could smell burning plastic look for some burnt wiring ?
Could you have left the key in the cranking position? My key doesn't always automatically flick back and it has led to a burnt out starter.

If you have the starter motor could have burnt out but as you were moving it bumped itself and that's why it won't start now?
at risk of sounding like a complete retard i dont even know what you mean by posting an intro, just in desparate need of the help of all you lovely land rover geniuses, havent had alot of time lately but going to get me hands dirty and have a good look tommorow so just need a heads up as to what it could be to make my unfortunate life abit easier :)

earth snapped and it will use nearest wire for earth. but please post an intro. before we abuse you and you have to go find your teddy welcome
at risk of sounding like a complete retard i dont even know what you mean by posting an intro, just in desparate need of the help of all you lovely land rover geniuses, havent had alot of time lately but going to get me hands dirty and have a good look tommorow so just need a heads up as to what it could be to make my unfortunate life abit easier :)
its usual for folks to introduce themselves before jumping in with questions.
Welcome to the forum anyway, it sounds like a problem with the fusable links, these are located on the off side innerwing in the wiring loom.
Strip the loom carefully with a stanley knife and check for corrosion on the joints
They mean go back to main page where it says introduce yourself ;)
welcome :D

DOH! must type faster lol
forum-introduce yourself...give location roughly and other bits as you see fit. if you want help it helps to know where you are for recomends etc
oh sorry how rude of me i will do that now lol thanks for the advice :) i will let you know how i get on with her.

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