Well have had both fitted for a week and she definitely pulls better with the pin and ring fitted and no tweaks to the pump . The egt gauge hasn't gone above 650 and most of the time it never goes above 600 but I haven't floored it or gone up any long steep hills so all in all I'm well happy .
I think about 700-720 but not 100% sure somebody did say in another post I had but can't remember which but I think he said after 720 its toast , things start melting I believe. Yes Steve I think it is , the power and driveability is better in my opinion on my 200tdi 110, but it will be interesting to see what others think after they've fitted there's as no 2 are the same.
no point in having an egt gauge if you cant interpret the results.

looks like 600-650 is good. 700 is acceptable. 750 is getting dodgy.

Methinks an EGT gauge is almost mandatory, if expensive. Now got to find out where to fit it, as EGR is blanked off at the inlet end, rather than at the EGR valve end. One with alarms might be useful.
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to everybody I speak to face to face about this, I say that 650 is the dangerzone, time to back off.
Any ideas on thermocouplers? I've fitted an egt gauge but it won't give any readings. All wired as per instructions just wondering how far in the probe needs to be?

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