From what I've read they've been about a bit they were developed for Cummings engines with Bosch fuel pumps but can be used on any engine with the Bosch pumps . I haven't touched the max fuel screw lynall , the guide I found on line was from Oz I think gave 3 variations how to do it so I went with the easy one which was up the boost at turbo to 1 bar then turn the fuel pin to max then lower the star wheel inside then if it smoked alter the smoke screw basically , one of the other guides mentioned a screw on the back,
Cheers Ian
Well mine smokes like a good un if I put my foot down in the wrong gear etc, so it's getting plenty of fuel :)
Perhaps I haven't tweeked mine far enough yet :D they posted my stuff today from fourby so when I get back next fri I'll fit the boost pin and see how she goes then I'll fit the boost ring and see if it makes any difference. I suppose really I should ride round for a week when I fit the boost pin just to see what it's like then fit the ring but don't think I could wait that long:D.
cheers Ian
You won't need a week. You will notice the improvement immediately and half an hour if messing about on different hills etc will give you all you need to know!
From what I've read they've been about a bit they were developed for Cummings engines with Bosch fuel pumps but can be used on any engine with the Bosch pumps . I haven't touched the max fuel screw lynall , the guide I found on line was from Oz I think gave 3 variations how to do it so I went with the easy one which was up the boost at turbo to 1 bar then turn the fuel pin to max then lower the star wheel inside then if it smoked alter the smoke screw basically , one of the other guides mentioned a screw on the back,
Cheers Ian

The one and only thing to remember with any adjustments with the fuel pump, is to write them down somewhere so you can return to normal if the needs arises.
Rough rule of thumb 90 clockwise on the max fuel screw, needs 6 and 13mm spanner and the same 90 degs clockwise on the std boost pin.
Lots of the other adjustments (star ring, little top boost screw) make so little difference they really arent worth bothering with, excepting the new boost ring which I havent tried so cant comment.

Of course also ultra important is to make sure you are getting full throttle travel at the injector pump, seen that a couple of times now!

Its free to try so in your case I would go back to std boost pin, look at the wear mark on the tapered bit where the fuel pin has been running rotate it 90 deg clockwise and refit, then rotate the max fuel screw 90 degs clockwise, you might just be surprised, the max fuel screw can be turedn and turned until you get to much smoke, back it off some.
The fuel pin comes out of the bottom of the boost pin hole, if you look down the hole and move the throttle lever you will see it come out so cna work out where to refit the std boost pin, poke it back in with a screwdriver and refit std pin.
The above literally takes minutes.
Cheers lynall will keep that in mind, my new boost pin and ring arrived this morning so will try them and see how she goes, how can you tell if your not getting the full travel at the pump ? Also I think I might need to renew the copper washers on no 1 and 4 they look slightly damp around the injector the spill rail and pipes are dry so think they might need re seating.
cheers Ian
Throttle check is easy, best with two people, get driver to press pedal as hard as it will go, at the pump end you want no free play and preferably a little tight only by half turn on the plastic nut.
Even a mm or two between pump throttle arm and its stop bolt can make quite a difference to the power
It'll be really useful and interesting to see feedback from those who are going to fit the pin and the ring to see how much real life difference they make.
Got back from me hols yesterday fitted the boost pin this morning and took her for a run feels a lot better , haven't touched any other settings on the fuel pump apart from lowering the star wheel half a turn , she accelerates a lot better and she now accelerates up hills better too and no smoke but still need to do a throttle check but no one about to help me this morning. Will proberbly fit the ring tomorrow and will let you know what I think of them . sp00k what other adjustments did you do to your pump after fitting the boost pin. I'm not sure the turbo is boosting as it should I'm at the end of the adjustment and it's still only showing 0.8 bar so I'm thinking of fitting a new char and a new boost actuator , does anyone know where I can get a new actuator from ? Can't find any on eBay .
Cheers Ian
All I did was fit pin. Fit the larger supplied spacers to reduce smoke. Dialled back the starwheel to reduce smoke. I adjusted the wastegate until I had 1 to 1.1 bar at full boost under load. I may have has to add some extra threads to the actuator. I can't remember as it was years ago. I'll see if I can get a decent pic.
Of course, or change the intercooler for a bigger one..............tweak the wastegate actuator or a remap on your td5......Decat the different wheels..etc etc etc..


Kin'hell I'm running a skoda fabia rear wiper motor, should I contact my insurer - won't sleep tonight now :confused:
Mine smokes because it had already been tuned before I fitted the pin, but I didn't know at the time.


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I think I had to trim a little off the end of the rod to be able to shorten it enough.
Cheers sp00k mines got no thread at all showing which is why I'm starting to think it isn't working right , it had stood for 2 1/2 years when I rebuilt her and looks like the original turbo so it might be due an overhaul. I rebuilt the engine and had the injectors and fuel pump overhauled by a specialist so might be time to do the turbo. I've got my eye on one of these which is reasonable but I can't find anyone that does the actuators apart from genuine ones at over £200 a pop, as I have heard that they do cease up when stood for a while.
Will try tomorrow but I could move it at some point and it seemed a bit easy as I'd read in the tuning guides I'd read that they are very stiff but don't know whether it was before I shortened the rod.
Right all boost ring fitted but will come to that later, sp00k can move actuator put mole grips on the arm at the turbo can move it with my thumb on the grips I'm guessing that its not stiff enough also the black rubber pipe from the actuator to the intake looks perished so think a rebuild might be in order.
Right now fitted the boost ring this morning, just to recap I've not messed with the pump apart from turning the fuel pin and lowering the star wheel 1/2 a turn the pump was rebuilt when I did my rebuild by a diesel specialist so it was standard and my turbo is only boosting at 0.8 bar.Fitted the boost pin yesterday and that made a bit of a difference mostly going up hills then this morning fitted the boost ring and personally I think it has improved it again. It feels more responsive and I achieved higher speeds in each of the gears also before she used to get to 60 mph and the struggle know she carry on to 70mph didn't try past that as the road wasn't up to it, also there is no smoke at all even when flooring it I even over took 2 horse boxes which I wouldn't have had the confidence to do before. I think she will improve further when I get the turbo sorted and maybe a small tweak to the power screw on the fuel pump. So all in all I'm pleased with the results.
So to any one thinking of fitting one its easy to do but very fiddly the how to video on Facebook at Fourby is good but , you might need to have some Irwin bolt and nut extractors ready as I did , the original screws holding the plate on are torx and its hard to hold the torx allen key in to get enough purchase on to remove as I think the might be locktited in, I got one out ok but the other one rounded slightly so used the irwins and she came out fine . Also the vid shows 2 springs in the housing mines a 200tdi and there was only one in there, don't know if this is right or I've got one missing , one of the more knowledgeable people on here might be able to tell me.
So there we have it I'm pleased with the results will post again next week if anyone interested and let you know what I think when I've been using her for a week and when I've got the turbo sorted I'll post again and let you know if there is any further improvement.
cheers Ian

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