This thread is pretty much done all bar a few photos, we may as well throw it to the wolves :)
Let’s get ****** up !! :D
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Is that you on that defender bonnet @gold rover ? if it is, got say nice legs young lady.
That my dear is HC in his best, run ashore, outfit. The fact you could not tell , that the beautiful specimen on the bonnet is male, can only lead me to ask................
Is this you?
BB J_Sailor.jpg

I found it in HC's fave photos pile, with 'love kds xxx' on the back
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No no no......Stop showing the pictures we took.....but if you must go there, remember this one?

View attachment 160708
Is that a classic or is it the cross your heart basque extraordinaire ?
There seems to be some silly car in the photo as well

Now i made that term up but googling it brings up a cheese made out of sheep's milk - I am sure there is a connection to that photo somehow and cheesy sheep - I sometimes feel that this in't my first try at 'life' o_O

I hope the OP hurries up and posts some pics of his tyres so we can conclude this thread
I have to say that even for a chap of my 'standards', i find that photograph very offensive, i cannot believe that somebody would kneel down in the mud in what are obviously a quality pair of stockings !:mad:

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