On insurance note its been added as a mod. I just did what I always do when fitting coil springs compared it to the old one i took off and it was a little longer which I assumed was the lift aswell as the thicker coils. Its not a death trap because the springs are back to front they arnt insecure and not going to fall out at any second. Was just after a little of info as I thought I may have been given winch front springs by mistake. Sorry
On insurance note its been added as a mod. I just did what I always do when fitting coil springs compared it to the old one i took off and it was a little longer which I assumed was the lift aswell as the thicker coils. Its not a death trap because the springs are back to front they arnt insecure and not going to fall out at any second. Was just after a little of info as I thought I may have been given winch front springs by mistake. Sorry
when I bought a new kit the springs were marked up front and rear

look at me agreeing wiv a gaylander comment

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