Disco Pol if anyone needs removing from this forum its you for being so offensive your ought to be ashamed of yourself you being a senior member and all.

He's very senior 😉

I wish to correct above statement. I am now getting lots😛
Being one of the biggest senior members on this forum does not give him the right to be abusive to others it serves to undermine the forum and just makes it no sense to those who read in, he ought to be ashamed of his diatribe.

I think you will find that on this forum, he would need a much bigger shovel.

Yu, sir, are in need of a humour transplant. If you think that was offensive, don't upset fanny:eek:.
Being one of the biggest senior members on this forum does not give him the right to be abusive to others it serves to undermine the forum and just makes it no sense to those who read in, he ought to be ashamed of his diatribe.


DiscoPol made unseemly comments in reply to your crass idiocy and now you determine he's no good for the forum!

If you read a tad further you'd see he made a drunken mistake. No need to apologise, 'cos he still thinks you're a nobber .. which I'm inclined to agree with somewhat.

Can't you see it was a light-hearted attempt at being funny? You seriously think he actually meant what he said? FFS, it's a line that could be straight out of Monty Python.

Get a humour transplant .. If you read even further you'd also see that DiscoPol makes positive contribution to the forum, and has done for a while .. you have 31 posts, some of which are calling people. If this were in Anything Goes I'd say just **** Off, but it's not so I won't.
hi all im looking to lift my freelander with the spacers was looking for the suspension lift kit but cant find them any were, is there any thing that needs changing wen i do the lift as new to green laning and didnt want a rusty disco iv herd the camber bolts but were are these located on the freelander if any body has any picutres would be great to no what im working with many thanks
hi all im looking to lift my freelander with the spacers was looking for the suspension lift kit but cant find them any were, is there any thing that needs changing wen i do the lift as new to green laning and didnt want a rusty disco iv herd the camber bolts but were are these located on the freelander if any body has any picutres would be great to no what im working with many thanks

a disco??? your in the wrong section
camber bolts are in the same place on every car

I can recommend SES88's 40mm lift kit as I have had one fitted for a few months now.

Using it in earnest in 10 days time when I go away with some friends for 3 days of offloading in Wales. Just need to sort out my breathers over the weekend so can go wading in some fairly deep water. Don't worry, I'll tie the the door on so they don't fall off.....:D

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