
New Member
Just been offered a 2.8 Diahatsu lump for my series whose 2.5 NA is showing signs of giving up the ghost soon..

Is this a fairly simple swap? or will new engine mounts have to be made/welded etc, will I need a adapter kits to fit a series box??

Im guessing that the Diahatsu box wont fit a series anyway, want to keep this engine swap as simple as poss.
it will need new engine mounts and bellhousing plate hybrid clutch, it used to be a common swap(not as popular as the perkind prima) i think there are kits available do a search on google
Great engine loverly jappy job, should be able to get a kit from Conversion and Precision parts are easy to get as well. I have one in one of the Rangies and did many miles in a Series 2a with the 2.5 engine which is still going strong
Will I have to bodge the Diahatsu exhaust to fit a series or is there an aftermarket one?

Also roughly how much for the adapter?? Will the splines on a Series box fit the Diahatsu clutch??
I have this motor(2.8 n/a) in my SIIa, i love it, i did not do the conversion but they used a SIII box. I think its a Daih down pipe welded to LRO pipe after a foot or 2. The only conversion i may prefer is the izuzu.

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