Hi, I'm new on here. I own a 2006Range Rover Sport, in excellent condition, white, with a few mods(discreet). It has recently had a lot of money spent on the transmission, wheels and exhaust. I now have the dreaded engine failure. Because the rest of the car is so good, I am looking to have a recon unit fitted. I have been searching around, and the closest one I have found to me, said that they offer a recon and fitting offer for 3000 pound, providing my engine is of a serviceable state(which it is).
Have any of the members been through this before, and if so, could you tell me where, and if it was successful.
Many thanks for your answers, in advance, as this is all new to me.
Regards Andy
Hello Andy

Sorry to hear about your engine failure, was it a snapped crank? I think you can source the same engine from a jaguar, but change the sump for yours if it's ok. But I'm not sure.

Try asking about this in the range rover or maybe even the engines section, you'll get more noticed and help.

@gstuart Should be a good source of info on this
Be very careful and do your homework before handing over your motor or cash
There are a lot of sharks out there if some of the reviews are to be believed
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Hi, thank you. This is what I'm worried about. I did find a garage quite near me, and they specify all they are going to do. It all sounds above board, but I cannot find any reviews on the garage anywhere. There are a lot on Ebay, mostly down London way, but I'm just not sure. They all say they specialise in Range Rover, but is there really that much work to keep them going.
Many thanks.
Welcome to the forum

If they specialise in rr's then pop across to say hello or just have a look round. They break down so often they'll be piled 6 high. If not then they're chancers possibly.
From reading up the internet it seems trying to source parts for these engines is the problem as they don't seem to be available
If there are no internet reviews I wonder why not.
You really do need to tread very carefully.
Its one thing specifying what they are going to do and another actually doing it.
I remember my wife promising to love honour and obey me, wonder when that'll start ;):D
Hi, thank you. This is what I'm worried about. I did find a garage quite near me, and they specify all they are going to do. It all sounds above board, but I cannot find any reviews on the garage anywhere. There are a lot on Ebay, mostly down London way, but I'm just not sure. They all say they specialise in Range Rover, but is there really that much work to keep them going.
Many thanks.

If they are a decent land rover garage I would imagine they would be mentioned all over the internet as any good ones are always raved about
That's a valid point Hippo, although a little concerning that they break down so often. I have had mine 4 years now, and it has cost me a small fortune. But you can't help loving them !!!!! Lancorky, your last comment is very true, you don't always get what's promised. From the list of new parts they say they fit, I thought they must have a decent supplier. I think they use somebody from the internet called LR parts.
Seems its different but their website is rubbish and cant access any parts catalogue
I did look at Island 4x4 and they dont have many parts either.
Doesn't look like any sell a crankshaft

Do you know what they are planning on replacing should you go ahead - might be as cheap looking for a new (2nd engine)
Basically, everything is cleaned, and all tolerances checked. Every seal/ gasket/bearing is replaced with new. New oil pump,water pump, timing belts/pensioners. All surfaces skimmed. Bored honed, or rebored, then new rings or piston. Crank rebound or polished. Full recon, using your own ancilleries.
I think the cranks ok, the valve stem seals are definitely gone, and I think a piston ring has gone too. It still starts but runs really really rough, got no power, and smokes tremendously. It's not losing any coolant. I want to keep it long term, so just want to put a decent lump in that will last me.
Basically, everything is cleaned, and all tolerances checked. Every seal/ gasket/bearing is replaced with new. New oil pump,water pump, timing belts/pensioners. All surfaces skimmed. Bored honed, or rebored, then new rings or piston. Crank rebound or polished. Full recon, using your own ancilleries.

but if your crank has gone how do they replace that?
Hi, I'm new on here. I own a 2006Range Rover Sport, in excellent condition, white, with a few mods(discreet). It has recently had a lot of money spent on the transmission, wheels and exhaust. I now have the dreaded engine failure. Because the rest of the car is so good, I am looking to have a recon unit fitted. I have been searching around, and the closest one I have found to me, said that they offer a recon and fitting offer for 3000 pound, providing my engine is of a serviceable state(which it is).
Have any of the members been through this before, and if so, could you tell me where, and if it was successful.
Many thanks for your answers, in advance, as this is all new to me.
Regards Andy


As the other guys have said please be very careful

I know of an engine currently for sale from a well respected mechanic, if u pop over to the forum he will be able to help u


A lot of these so called specialists are not to be trusted , a recon engine are £4.5k , heard too many horror stories

I’ve got a D3 with the same engine , may i ask was all the belts and modified oil pump cover replaced plse and has it been 100% confirmed the crank snapped, if so I’m afraid ur engine is trashed

Hope that helps

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