tbone portly

New Member

my water pump is leaking from what looks like a drain / overflow hole in the base - and on the diagram in the manual it sort of looks like there is a hole....!

is this the case?

looks like the carbon ring and seal on the spindle are supposed to stop the water coming out of this - which is annoying as I had the pump rebuilt a couple of months ago

can someone who has a bit of 2.6 knowledge let me know if I'm thinking on the right lines please!


ta very much

what could of caused this is the next daft question - could the system be over pressuring somehow? I have a 2.25 rad in atm, with some 'modifications' to the return pipework to the pump to get it to fit.....

I actually picked up a 2.6 water pump on ebay yesterday, for less than the price I paid for the overhaul kit last time (let alone the cost of having it machined to fit and all pressed apart/together :eek: ) just for a spare!


what's the little hole under the bearing housing bit for then? it was leaking from there when hot, but not when I ran it cold with the fan belt off....
what's the little hole under the bearing housing bit for then? it was leaking from there when hot, but not when I ran it cold with the fan belt off....

Well, things expand when hot, so maybe it's enough to make it leak past the bearing:confused: :)
my new theory is that rover were experimenting with worm holes in the space/time continuum, got it wrong and ended up with a pointless hole in the 2.6 water pump....:eek:

I'm thinking that I cooked it a bit (OK a lot) getting home after the rad went, and this bolloxed the seal. putting the new pump on at the moment, and hoping I haven't blown the head gasket / anything else too
what's the little hole under the bearing housing bit for then? it was leaking from there when hot, but not when I ran it cold with the fan belt off....
its called a tell tale hole it lets you know coolant has come past seal and has entered bearings
back together with the new pump, and not leaking yet!

temp gauge is now reading at the top of the scale, all the time (even when stone cold), do I assume this means the sender is stuffed?


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