
New Member
I hope this is not a stupid question, but I am new to Land Rovers.
A while ago I bought a 110 2.5TD which a fellow Normandy based Brit had decided to drive back from Bulgaria with paraffin in the tank - to save a few quid????
When I bought the car most of the top end of the engine was in the back, and I decided to get another 2.5 td engine to replace the one which was in bits.
This engine is now in situ, but I cannot get it to start - the pump has got fuel under pressure, but nothing coming out of the back of it going in the direction of the injectors.
As the fuel system was reconnected on the basis of 'educated guesswork' can anyone point me in the direction of a diagram that gives the layout of the various pipes - along the lines of 'the pipe from the tank goes to the rear hole in the lift pump, the front hole of the lift pump goes to no ? on the filter etc' - at least if I know they are on in the correct sequence it gives me somewhere to start. I have got a CD rom of most of the manuals, but cannot find a diagram of the layout of the pipework anywhere.
Many thanks in advance for any useful info.
If no one has done you one, I'll sort you one out when I get home from work as it's half past three and dark outside (the bogey man might have me). I take it you want pictures of the fuel filter as well as the injector pump.
Also get yourself over to the intro section of the forum, some people dont like new people asking for help on their very first post without saying hello 1st. Just friendly advice
Thanks very much for the replies, I have put something in the intro section.....
Marmaduke, pictures or even just a diagram or written explanation of which pipe goes where would be very helpful, if I can get the plumbing right I can work on from there.
is it the same layout as the 12j 2.5na engine?
Sorry I have no real idea, but assuming its the same basic engine / pump setup it should be..............I must admit I have not spent much time poking about under LR bonnets, apart from this one that is.
Will try get a photo of my 12j then. What bits do you need photos of exactly?
The problem is with the set up of the plastic flexible pipes from the tank to the diesel pump via the lift pump and the filter - the metal ones from diesel pump to injectors will only go on one way.

The only manual I haven't got is the Haynes one.

I am in Manche, Normandy just south of St Lo.
Oh ****e cant just pop round to take a look then lol

I will dig out my Haynes and have a read and see if it has any diagrams
Doesn't the fuel enter at the rear and exit at the front of the pump then go back to tank/filter then leak the off pipes go back to filter

Or am I confused:confused:

Is this of any use to you, it's a bit dark at the mo so I can give you a better description tomorrow if you need one.;)
Thanks for the photo - just what I needed.
There was an error in the 'plumbing', I have put that right so at least I know its all going round in the right direction.
Now to bleed the system, and see if there is any diesel coming out of the back of the pump - a job for tomorrow.
Update to this - Great Uncle Bulgaria has finally fired up. After having several attempts to get it going after plumbing in the pipes the right way round I decided to have another go this morning.
After pumping fuel through the system using a Citroen / Peugeot 'rugby ball' type pump in the line from the tank to the LR lift pump (the LR system fitted on the 110 is easily the most Mickey Mouse of any others I've seen!!), I disconnected the pipes to the injectors, took out the glow plugs and turned it over on the ignition several times till drops of fuel started appearing out of the pipes, reconnected the pipes, turned it over again, refitted the glow plugs and with the wife operating the ignition and me squirting about half a tin of 'start ya bastard' into the air intake in several bursts it finally burst into life.
Sounds quite quiet too - apart from the fan rubbing on the shroud - and the fact that the clutch hydraulics don't seem to work............must be 25 years since I've had a vehicle with a hydraulic clutch...........will try and get it to move under its own steam before the end of January.
If it has sat that long the clutch plate may have stuck to the flywheel and need breaking free. If the clutch pedal feels like it is working but the clutch is not disengaging try putting it in gear, push down on the clutch and brake pedals then crank it on the starter. Hopefully the shock will free the clutch plate. Make sure you have a bit of free space ahead of you just in case the vehicle jumps forward when you do it.
The clutch pedal feels very 'light' so I suspect it might be a hydraulic problem, my assumption was that the 110's clutch would feel fairly heavy and agricultural (never actually having driven one)...............and its facing towards the workshop door about 4 feet away.............but the neighbouring farmer does turn up every day with a pretty hefty John Deere if all else fails.
Some years ago I seem to remember being dragged around a field in a Bedford CF camper by a MF 135 in order to unstick a clutch - took several goes but we got there in the end.

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