Was good last time coz not many there so never got stuck behind anyone but the more numbers the better I suppose to keep the farmer letting it happen. The more dollar he sees the happier he'll be. Well I look forward to seeing u all there. Will be arriving early Saturday morning, get the most of the day.
Was good last time coz not many there so never got stuck behind anyone but the more numbers the better I suppose to keep the farmer letting it happen. The more dollar he sees the happier he'll be. Well I look forward to seeing u all there. Will be arriving early Saturday morning, get the most of the day.

You coming for the day or weekend?
For the weekend mate. £60 per vehicle for the lot isn't it? Should be 3 landrovers and a rangey classic in our group. But not 100% on that, others won't know till nearer the time. Bloody work commitments.
For the weekend mate. £60 per vehicle for the lot isn't it? Should be 3 landrovers and a rangey classic in our group. But not 100% on that, others won't know till nearer the time. Bloody work commitments.

Yea that's right mate.

Nice one! See you lot Saturday!
Hotel's all booked, me and Mrs Boomer are looking to come along for a few hours play on the Saturday before going off and making the most of Snowdonia for the rest of the weekend :)
you just need a P&P site which isn't a million miles away now :/ Having done the arse end of Wales before in Bump there is no way i'm doing it again. 5 hours solid driving each way :(
you just need a P&P site which isn't a million miles away now :/ Having done the arse end of Wales before in Bump there is no way i'm doing it again. 5 hours solid driving each way :(

Well yes good point, but this one is special. Very special. It's got the lot. Even bacon wrapped in bread.

Actually some parts are quite D3 friendly. ;) ;)
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Well yes good point, but this one is special. Very special. It's got the lot. Even bacon wrapped in bread.

Actually some parts are quite D3 friendly. ;) ;)
haha, yeh, that's not going to happen until the business can afford to buy me a D4 commercial ;)

Maybe you need to buy a proper big car transporter and offer to collect Land Rover's from a central meeting point in the midlands and drive them across there... you'd probably make a fortune, charge people their fuel costs and you'd be sorted :D
haha, yeh, that's not going to happen until the business can afford to buy me a D4 commercial ;)

Maybe you need to buy a proper big car transporter and offer to collect Land Rover's from a central meeting point in the midlands and drive them across there... you'd probably make a fortune, charge people their fuel costs and you'd be sorted :D

Come mister bump, you can do better than that. Think big.......how about class 37 and say five car carriers and you can organise a path from say....hams hall to Fairbourne and network rail can build a nice unloading facility.
Come mister bump, you can do better than that. Think big.......how about class 37 and say five car carriers and you can organise a path from say....hams hall to Fairbourne and network rail can build a nice unloading facility.

haha, yes i guess i was a bit short sighted... we could chuck a passenger carriage in the rake too and then the drivers can come with their landy's.

Although, surely with your contacts we could just use containers instead???
Pics or it ain't true!!

I've sprayed them black now but do have pics of them on when unpainted. Didnt cost a penny either. I've tried loading pics but can never do it. Useless with computers. Ull see then at this play day if u r there. And the dog shall be accompanying me once again
Snorkel. Check
New mud tyres. Check
Camping kit and food, check
Let's have some fun!!

But baring in mind this is my 1st pay and play site
Can't fecking wait! So take it easy on me:)

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