
New Member
:) hi everyone

well where do i begin...

when i start my di freelander (or tractor as he is now known) it bounces and kicks a load of blue smoke out of exhaust, once its is warmed up its fine....then i seem to give some sort of resistance when i put my foot down i cant get speed it wont go passed a certain amount of revs (feels like it wants to go but cant)..then when its even warmer it runs better but with absolutely no power at all while going up a hill i'l slowing down and losing revs:eek:

(been reading "freelander loss of power at 70") mines slugish all the while

Sometimes i feel power is just about to kick in and then it seems to joilt and nothing happens....

when looking under the bonnet i saw a crack in the turbo by the exhaust pipe side/exit gas i think (sorry i'm not technical) so when i put my foot down a big gush of black smoke comes out of the crack....and yes i did notice the overall smell of the car was a diesel one!

Now ive had conflicting advice....someone said injectors, but i've heard they rarely go wrong...others say turbo, yet someone said that that is the exit side to the manifold so shouldn't make a too much of a difference.

my head is spinning with what to do as both are costly so could do with some advice please:eek:

if it is the turbo any advice on where to go?

thanks guys
Hi the Vixster. . . Sounds to me as though your exhaust manifold has cracked [not 100% sure] but this would cause the type of power loss your talking about, hopefully your turbo has not been effected, best get an assement by a decent l/r tech. . . maybe feed back from others. . .Ming :cool:
Thanks for your reply...its not on the manifold its on the middle part which i presumed was still the turbo??...sorry not helping much am i!

can some one please tell me the turbo part number i need...i get a different number when i contact different landy/turbo dealers

thanks again..any advice welcomed:eek:
if u have a cracked turbo then its replacement time, try paddocks or rimmer bros or craddocks, tried to insert the link but wont copy and paste if you want the actual links I can psm u if u like
Yes think the Labs on the correct route ,but where ya smoke is coming from is a tell tale sign [not normal] as for injectors [very unlikely]. . .Ming :cool:
thanks for your replies guys

just phonned turbo technics and told the guy were the smoke is coming from and he said a bolt could have come loose so the gases escape and it shouldn't affect the power that got a man with a spanner to try and tighten them.... couldn't get any tighter!....

loss of power? do you think i should run it on a computer to see if it is set up ok?

Hi the Vix. . .if youve got that leak sorted and youve still got the power problem,yes get a proper mech to check it, try to keep away from the main stealers, but its like all things , cos some are very good others a waste of time time, however hope you get it sorted mate and just hope its an easy one , all the best . . .Ming:cool:

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