Hi all,
I've started having problems, yet again.. with my beloved Discovery.
It's just about to clock onto 170,000 miles (yep, I drive it alot)
and it's started to develop a strange fault.

Over the last few months I've gone from a best MPG of 42 down to 21MPG (I get 25MPG on a run out my my V8..) and not only that, if you are driving around, say 30MPH, keep the accelerator absolutely dead on, the car stutters. It's like it's starving of fuel even though it literally has a full tank.
Not only this, when cold it rattles till you blip the throttle, a very severe gravel in a concrete mixer sound. When cold if you rev it gently it goes as it should to 1000RPM, then when the needle get's to the notch after 1000 it drops down to 1000 again then rises, as though there is a fueling problem.
I put it down to the injectors possibly, it's still on it's original set and it's done a hell of alot of miles.
Today though it started to lose power BIGTIME.
Driving along, accelerating to 30, in 3rd gear it wasn't pulling anymore, put my foot to the floor and slowly it started to drop off, so I pulled over, the car shuddered and died, so I gave it a second and restarted, running fine on tickover. Set off, it started to shudder and then cut out, ooops! No power steering and the brake servo wasn't what I needed to haul it up.
When I restarted it I reved it hard (it was warm enough now) and the needle sprung round to just below 3000 RPM, then fluctuated by 700RPM or so, I doubt it could be the sedimenter as I changed it only 2 years ago.
The only thing is I'm running on 100% biodiesel but it's been fine on it before.
So does anyone know, is this the kind of fault you get with injectors?
I've blocked off the EGR by the way, I'd hate to think how lame it would pull if that was still working.. yuck!
could be worth cleaning them out maybe? could change fuel filter, parents had a simular problem on there jeep, loosin power and cutting out changed fuel filter and now it works like a dream
Had a tickover low rpm & noisey problem when cold.
Changed injectors & filters (174k) problem resolved.

Although hazardous due to fuel pressure,can you slacken the union to each fuel injector in turn to see if the noise stops...
(See Haynes manual)

1994 300tdi
could be worth cleaning them out maybe? could change fuel filter, parents had a simular problem on there jeep, loosin power and cutting out changed fuel filter and now it works like a dream

Hi, changed the fuel filter as you said and voilla, it runs! FAST (ish) :D
Cheers mate.

It's still not as fast as my other 300 Tdi though (which has done only 23,000 miles) so I think the injectors definately want doing as well. But thanks for the replies people, at least it runs again now. :D

*buys you all a virtual beer* :cool:
Hi, changed the fuel filter as you said and voilla, it runs! FAST (ish) :D
Cheers mate.

It's still not as fast as my other 300 Tdi though (which has done only 23,000 miles) so I think the injectors definately want doing as well. But thanks for the replies people, at least it runs again now. :D

*buys you all a virtual beer* :cool:

no porbs mate. ive done the fuel filter on my 200tdi day i brought it :) glad i could help out
It's done it again.
Must be a dirty batch of biodiesel?

Any easy way to drain the tank without taking the boot carpet out and removing the fuel sender unit?

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