looking good Tim. Have you started spraying yet?
Regrettably not. The bulkhead is all ready, but it's just too bloody cold and damp to attempt it at the moment. I've assembled a spray booth in the garage, but just need a dry day when I can stick a fan heater and a dehumidifier in and try to get the temperature up to something sensible.
That’s always the problem at this time of year.

You will be surprised how many reasonably warm(ish) days you will get, the skill is getting those to line up with your not busy with life days!
That’s always the problem at this time of year.

You will be surprised how many reasonably warm(ish) days you will get, the skill is getting those to line up with your not busy with life days!
Tell me about it. This weekend I'm digging the foundations for our house extension. Ironically I have to have the Landy finished (or at least driveable and weatherproof) before we start building the walls in April next year, because once they're up, they're too close to the existing garage entrance to get it out! Either that or it'll have to stay in there until we cut a new door in the end wall. It's a good way of pushing Land Rover work up the list of priorities though.
That’s always the problem at this time of year.

You will be surprised how many reasonably warm(ish) days you will get, the skill is getting those to line up with your not busy with life days!

Where there is a will(iam) there is a way 👍
Mik, The BMW stuttered into life yesterday and came up with a Drivetrain error which could also point to water in the diesel. Both vehicles filled up at the same local garage..

Car in BMW for a recall tomorrow so, asked for this to be checked.
Tell me about it. This weekend I'm digging the foundations for our house extension. Ironically I have to have the Landy finished (or at least driveable and weatherproof) before we start building the walls in April next year, because once they're up, they're too close to the existing garage entrance to get it out! Either that or it'll have to stay in there until we cut a new door in the end wall. It's a good way of pushing Land Rover work up the list of priorities though.
Send it North, Mik and I will finish it for you and you can dig foundations worry free😂😂
Interesting .....
Rodents , little b’stards have nested on top of the engine and eaten the foam on the engine cover and some of the wiring loom.

checked my wife’s car and exactly the same.

Now repaired, sprayed the engine bay with a peppermint spray as a repellent, they apparently don’t like it and stay clear.

Any suggestions to address the issue, both cars already have cats fitted, the landy doesn’t so interested in what you guys do.

The joys of rural life.
Tell me about it. This weekend I'm digging the foundations for our house extension. Ironically I have to have the Landy finished (or at least driveable and weatherproof) before we start building the walls in April next year, because once they're up, they're too close to the existing garage entrance to get it out! Either that or it'll have to stay in there until we cut a new door in the end wall. It's a good way of pushing Land Rover work up the list of priorities though.
How are things going?
Just finished digging the footings. I hit bedrock at ground level and had to spend my weekends chiselling through it just to replace it with 6" of concrete. Madness!


Oh, Land Rover stuff? Regrettably, not much.

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