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I've noticed that my Range Rover seems to be changing gear much later than it should. I used to own a 1990 Classic and it would change up to 4th at about 50mph. This one doesn't change up until about 63 and 2400 rpm.

Everything seems in order with the box, no whines/rattles/noisesand it changes smoothly.

I've had a quick look at the kickdown cable. There doesn't seem to be much tension on it, if I pull it with my finger it doesn't always return on its own.

The kickdown does work as expected so it must be connected.

Is it possible that the cable can "flip off the cam" and still function? Could the outer cable be crudded up causing it to stick?

Any ideas much appreciated

Does it smell burnt though? To be honest I'd start with an oil and filter change in the gearbox. The only problem you'll have is I think you have to remove a cross member to get the gear box sump off to change the filter.
Sticky governor would do that. But if kidkdown cable is not returning that also may cause it.
mine does that , but changes up at 55/60 , and changes up and down unless I change speed . just done an oil and filter change , will be interested in the replies .
Would changing the oil and filter clear a sticky governor or has the box had it? I will have a look at the cable later.

If the oil has not been changed as often as it should be, changing it could, some say, cause a sticky governor. Think i would have a look at kickdown cable not returning first of all. Governor can be cleaned or replaced but it's a ball ache of a job. Transfer box has to come off to get at it. If the kickdown cable is not returning, leaving valve partially open that could cause the problem. Adjustment of kickdown cable has to be pretty accurate. Not too tight and not too slack.
Had a look at the kickdown cable earlier. It was pretty grubby so I sprayed a load of WD40 down it and it seems to be returning more easily now. I tried adjusting the tension on the cable and it made a slight difference in the revs but it still changes into top at about 63mph. I checked the oil and it looks very clean and smells fine. The level was quite a bit above the max fill line but it was hot, I will check this again tomorrow when it is cold.

Would it be worth taking a chance on changing the oil and filter on the basis that it probably couldn't get any worse?

If it's the governor is it neccesary to drop the whole gearbox?

govenor is situated in rear housing it has park brake castleated wheel bolted to it ,can be removed /cleaned/replaced with box in vehicle and full of oil .transfer box neeeds removing obviously
Had a look at the kickdown cable earlier. It was pretty grubby so I sprayed a load of WD40 down it and it seems to be returning more easily now. I tried adjusting the tension on the cable and it made a slight difference in the revs but it still changes into top at about 63mph. I checked the oil and it looks very clean and smells fine. The level was quite a bit above the max fill line but it was hot, I will check this again tomorrow when it is cold.

Would it be worth taking a chance on changing the oil and filter on the basis that it probably couldn't get any worse?

If it's the governor is it neccesary to drop the whole gearbox?


If i changed the oil and filter, i would do that then run it round for an hour or so, then drain and fill oil again. Are you sure it's top it's going in at 63 mph and not torque lockup? Transfer box has to come off to get at governor it is on the output shaft. Can be done with gearbox in car. Think there is a return spring on kickdown quadrant you can check that when you take sump off to change filter. It's a long time since i have been inside one of these. James is your man he does them all the time.
If i changed the oil and filter, i would do that then run it round for an hour or so, then drain and fill oil again. Are you sure it's top it's going in at 63 mph and not torque lockup? Transfer box has to come off to get at governor it is on the output shaft. Can be done with gearbox in car. Think there is a return spring on kickdown quadrant you can check that when you take sump off to change filter. It's a long time since i have been inside one of these. James is your man he does them all the time.

It could be torque lock. I just find it a lot less relaxing to drive compared with my old RR. It would go into top at 50mph. This one is doing nearly 2000rpm at 50mph and doesn't change up (or torque lock) until about 2400rpm. Seem to have to work the engine a lot harder for every gear. Could it be that my old one was hydraulically controlled and this one is electronic?
It could be torque lock. I just find it a lot less relaxing to drive compared with my old RR. It would go into top at 50mph. This one is doing nearly 2000rpm at 50mph and doesn't change up (or torque lock) until about 2400rpm. Seem to have to work the engine a lot harder for every gear. Could it be that my old one was hydraulically controlled and this one is electronic?

Aaah. Are you sure about that. Someone may correct me but don't think 92s should have electrically controlled gear boxes.

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