
New Member
Hi to all and thanks to those of you who provide good advice to all us novices:)

Decided that my disco is well worth investing in, so decided to replace all bushes with poly bushes, replace steering damper, new all terrain tyres, under seal, respray, bumpers, respray and probably lots more.

Not all at once as i cannot afford it in one go and lack experience, going to replace tyres and bushes and damper within next couple of weeks,
Tracking is slightly out so will have that done after:)
Does anyone rate these poly bushes? have heard standard bushes are a nightmare to put in.

She as a slight judder when setting off and at low revs, can anyone advise please to what this could be:)

Also slight vibration, seems to be coming from front wheels, nipped a bearing up a couple of weeks ago and wheel seems fine, have put it down to the tracking being out, am i right?

Will keep all posted to how i am going and upload some pics before and through the process, please please do tell me if you feel i should be doing something else to the car,

What an adventure this is going to be:D. Hope she turns out well and restored to a better future
std bushes can be aightmare even with 20 ton press ,poly bushes as long as ones that come into halves and not single cotton reel size are easy and easy to replace in future if necessary ,ive fitted original ,britpart yellow and black and never had any problems allthough someone is bound to have ,i have run the yellow ones on my disco for the last few years and prefer them but like suspension horses for courses.in my work i usually fit poly bushes even though i have the tools for fitting original bushes as easier for owner to work on at later date without special tooling and they do work
cheers pal for that, found that a lot slag off brit part. just fitted there 2" lift kit seems ok, hopefully it will stay that way.
New to this way of living and intend to carry out most if not all repairs myself.
Got another little problem if anyone can shed any light, when i try to engage first gear sometimes it can be very difficult and i can feel a little clunk that sounds like it comes from the rear, could be wrong may be from somewhere else.
Could this be worn cogs or somet like that and what would be the best way to cure it, recon box or is there anyone local to south yorkshire who can reccomend someone, dont fancy stripping a gearbox if thats what it is.
clunks can come from drive flanges remove caps and look while someone rocks it with clutch in gear ,a frame ball joint need large batr to check for movement,prop ujs,diffs especially brg behind flange,input gear/mainshaft wear can be checked by removing 6 x bolts on rear cover on t/box and sometimes 2 x screw under gasket on brg plate when both removed you can remove input gear and check gear box mainshaft if splines are worn input gear will be too,if you get stuck im near louth lincs not that far possibly
Cheers for your kind advice pal, if that is an offer of help then i may just take you up on it at some point.
Still getting familiar of all the names of certain parts, not sure where the drive flanges are though.
Any idea of the cost roughly? and are the cogs in gearbox replaceable if worn or would it be a recon box job?
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge. Paul:D
drive flanges are the outer most part of wheel hub you can remove plastic cap and check splines and half shaft,input gear in transfer box is replaceable about £40 but gearbox would need reconning £400 or less if in good condition,a frame ball joint is ball joint top middle of rear axle stops axle rotating ,check no play in prop joints or too much in diff

How would i check if there is too much play in the diff?
uj's seem to be ok, not moving anyway.
When i got the car about a month ago the transfer box was seized, took some convincing but managed to free it up and all works ok now.
When you say recon the box would someone do that or is it a one for one swap job, also are the r380 boxes better that the lt77
not really ,you can but recon on an exchange basis or find someone to do yours, the main falut with lt77used to be mainshaft input gear spline wear as early r380 but cross drilled input gear stops that in lt77 as well as r380,i still find plenty of lt77s that only need nrew brgs ,baulkrings to be as good as new not bad for a box thats at least 16/17 years old,if theres any freeplay in diff brgs replace diff or repair thats end float rather than rotation,youd be better off with repaired or recon lt77 than used r380
Hi mate

Few things:

200tdi does not have drive flanges, It has 1 piece half shafts that link diffs to hubs. I have a 200 shape myself and it used to clunk bad. I found it was the diff gears actually clunking inside the diff cage itself. Basically the diffs had worn internally and were shagged. Not dangerous or unusable at all, bit will always clunk and only get worse as they wear more. In this case either live with it or replace, but most 200tdi diffs will be the same these days. They were "10 spline" diffs, all later diffs are "24 spline" so your not gonna find many low mileage 10s.

Also I have an lt77 that i have had recond last year, it is now a very useable box. Have to be a bit more sympathetic than when driving r380 but it does just as good a job.

My output shaft was slightly worn, and was clunking, but I fitted new tranny input gear and it helped a lot.

Good luck with the 200 mate, it's a far simpler and more old skool disco, much better than a 300.

Enjoy it :D
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cheers for your friendly advice lads:) very much appreciated.
When you said the plastic outer bits i new somet was a miss as mine have metal outer and are sealed with what looks like gasket sealent,
Think Mr noisy is right,
As i have said i am very new to these cars and have loads to learn, found that most bolts are shearing off and need replacing, even after i have drenched them in wd40 etc.
Thanks ever so much for your kind offer James Martin as i said at some point i might just have a drive down your way, need all the help i can get.
Do you work in a garage or is it just somet you like to do, also if i did come down what would be the best time?
Today when driving car when applying my break there felt like a bit of play in front end as if the wheel moved forward a little, thought it could be a bush, havent looked yet as it was dark when i got back, any ideas as to what it could be?
Was told to get a 200tdi as the engines are supposed to be a lot better and are easier to repair than 300's, hope this is true, up to yet i have found that you need to use plenty of convincing power when making repairs.
How many bushes do these cars have? is it worth while getting an haynes manual?
200 is very good engine but not easier than 300 to work on ,but they share like 2.25 petrol and later the same bore size and crank journal sizes,i work for myself but i am quite happy to help someone learn to fix their own engines , diffs ,gearboxes ,or anything on landrovers,they have not including shocker bushes or roll bars at least 16 bushes ,mr noisy was rigth i was thinking of def 200 for some reason,your bushes are very likely worn unless changed in recent years ,but check condition of mount on axles as they can rust till they break ,i did work for an official land rover reconditioners where we did every part of landrovers from engine boring to vehicle rebuilds and new axle builds etc

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