When I bought the car it was a CAT C writeoff. Hard to tell why really apart from the damaged seatbox and tub where a run away trailer had hit it. Maybe the insurance company thought it needed a new tub and seatbox but I managed to salvage both of them.
The big day........MOT
Very pleased to say it drove there and back perfectly and even better, PASSED! No advisories at all which is even better. Now just needs to get a VIC then I can get the V5 and get it taxed. Really good to know that all the work has paid off :)




��������������������this should be a row of thumbs up ,, sent through tapatalk on my iphone ,,why do smilies via phone not show on here ????????????????????????
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Just about to embark on my own 90 rebuild so was interesting to see yours. Looks like you started with a much better base vehicle than me though! Nice work.

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