Thank you all for the nice comments

This weekend we removed the hand throttle from the fron tof the cab
components on the other side of the bulkhead for the hand throttle
The rear axle was also refitted and giving a coat of red-oxide
The new shocks were fitted
The handbrake linkage was removed to allow the gearbox to come out easily
The cable for the speedo drive was disconnected next, it is held on by three screws which need a flat bladed screwdriver to undo
The nuts around the bellhousing were the next things to be undone which was carried out with a 17mm socket
Gearbox mount
Undoing the mount using 14mm spanners/ sockets
Transmission brake drum
Clutch slave cylinder was the next thing to be removed
A pulley block was attached to a beam running along the garage cieling and was used to take the weight of the gearbox as we slid it off the bellhousing to reveal this:
The gearbox, we believe an oil seal may have gone on this due to the abundance of oily sludge in the bellhousing and around the gearbox (some over 10mm thick

If you have any questions on what we're doing please feel free to ask