You can get a diesel compression kit for about £25 off ebay and its works fine. I would run some injector cleaner through it first, cheap and won't hurt. If its got power then you may be OK. Black smoke is too much fuel and white is unburned. YOu shouldn't see white once its warmed up but if air is getting in the fuel that can also cause white smoke as the injectors don't spray properly.
You can get a diesel compression kit for about £25 off ebay and its works fine. I would run some injector cleaner through it first, cheap and won't hurt. If its got power then you may be OK. Black smoke is too much fuel and white is unburned. YOu shouldn't see white once its warmed up but if air is getting in the fuel that can also cause white smoke as the injectors don't spray properly.
i picked a cheap kit up from amazon to have a go, but the threaded attachments weren't long enough to fit in properly. so i'm in the process of returning it and finding a new one.

what's the basic process for testing?
Just spent an hour going through your thread. Brilliant! So many similarities to mine (Giving an old army series girl a new lease of life). Same problems but you remember to take pictures more regularly than I do! I'm really going for the final push now, electrics and all. May even collect the Christmas tree in her (5 years later than I told the kids!)

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