Long term plan is a canvas, but can't afford that right now, so i'm currently looking for a cat flap door to use with the tailgate and the hard top.

My mate is going the other way, from canvas to hard top so the tilt will be up for grabs when the weather is fit for us to do the swap. PM me if you are interested and I'll take some photos and ask him how much he wants for the canvas, sticks and the other associated bits and bobs.
got a little more done.

most of the painting is nearly finished, still have the outside of the tub and the bulkhead to do, then once the gearbox and clutch is done i can start to rebuild

cleaned up the inner wings

got a bit of hammerite in

couldn't resist piling the bits on to see how it looked

then got some of the inside tub painted

Laid everything out and drilled the holes

Have fitted an extra battery tray in the seat box.

Have laquered the bonnet and tailgate and some small parts

tailgate looks better in person
bit more of an update,
slow progress right now, gearbox is still out, i'm not stripping it, but it's turning free and inspection of the inside seems good.
will sort the flywheel housing and then get that back on in the next few weeks.

most of the jobs have been painting while the weather's good then a little bit of electrics at the rear.

a few photos below, click to enlarge

Painted tub

one wing finished

one door nearly finished, i'm fitting antiburst locks, i didn't realise before i painted that i needed to drill for the lock, but i've made a start on that and it looks fine. just need new bolts for the lock plates to finish it.

really pleased that i got a catflap lid, for very little cash

This was the only rust, which i filled and cleaned up


nearly finished

I had a go at the glazing and just got ****ed off and put it to the side for another day

also managed to source an original handle for the inside.
really struggling with the rubber seal at the bottom
part number 332143

tried all the local hardware places and even a local rubber company, no one had anything even similar, so i think i'll be just sandwiching two strips in place
or if enough needed them we could have it extruded...

in the meantime, gearbox is clean on on the bench

looking clean,
I've sorted the handbrake, new shoes and a clean up.

got the roof done last week,
sanded & primed, i went for limestone in the end

and painted

shot of the workshop

a trial fit of the sides, it's been more than a year since it looked like that

from the front

and with the tailgate on

made a good start on the wiring at the back, have run a thick trailer cable through the chassis and will wire from there, i think i'll get a new loom for the front end, with extras installed as i don't fancy the job myself.
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Looks great. Must feel good seeing it come back together.

Lots of info on the trailer wiring please :D
Hi again. Just looking back through your thread, you have got hold of some new solid brake lines. Can you let me know if they are good quality and where you got them from? Thanks :D

yeah it was an ebay seller, precut and flared to the right length for the model. massive time saver, if only they did pre bent too!

got it from here
I think you can use the one piece door seals from a 90/ defender on the front doors which help keep the weather out. I think I'm sure I read that somewhere anyway :eek:
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I've left this a long time again.
Got a fair bit done in the last few months, still got a couple of painting jobs left to go, and no indoor space so looking less likely to get them finished this year.

I started to make some repairs on the bulkhead.
I wish i had better photos, but i got prettyscammed on this by some arse on ebay, his account seems to be gone now so i can't warn anyone away.

Bought as a refurbished bulkhead, for £200. It ended up sitting around for a year without me really looking at it.
I started to do some paint prep and realised the footwells were tacked in with bathroom sealant covering the rest of the seam.
first alarm bells.

In the end i got deep into it and found all the usual rust spots had been filled in, the vent area was the worst as it was stuffed with newspaper and filled.

this meant i spent the next month making little repairs and getting better at welding, when all i had planned was to repaint it.

i did eventually get the mess sorted, sadly didn't get more pics of the guys ****ty efforts

Got it fitted, massive relief.

But then found another problem, the guy had put the new footwells in so badly that neither reached the bulkhead mounting bracket. they're striaght but they sit about an inch short.
I'm hoping to just drill a solid block of something pack the space between. Bit worried with this being a major fixing point.

Also got a bargin new bonnet for a fiver

I assumed that was green paint.

was actually just muck

I've got that half painted now, still trying to source the spare wheel fixings.
Does anyone know an alternative part for the rubbers? they're going for £30 for 4 is some places!!!

Next job was getting the roof in place. very loosely bolted as gearbox is still out and want to remove everything to make it easier to refit.

Haven't got the top tailgate door glazed yet so just leaving it like that with junk in the back

I trial fitted a door.

I got that door fitted on hinges today but forgot to get a photo. Panel gap at the moment is a little larger than i'd like, i feel the bulkhead needs some fettling to place.

other little jobs included paint the back door, in case i want to change from tailgate

Got a new hinge set and painted them.

And i removed the freewheel hubs as i didn't trust their condition.
I'm not sure how serviceable they are going to be, but i know this kind can be valuable

The nearside splines looked very rough which suggests a problem with the hub on that side. the other looked fine

Hopefully i'll be down tomorrow, going to start prepping to get the gearbox back in so i can fir that on my next free weekend. Looks like i'm going to need to hire a crane, so any leads on a cheap one to buy would be great
A bit more progress.

New bonnet has sat like this for weeks waiting for a nice sunny painting day (yeah right)

N/S door is fitted and locks shut. top seals are in place and it seemed to hold off the rain over night

The panel gap feels larger than i'd like.
I've been worried since doing it that i got the crossmember welding slightly out of place, because it's not an easy job to fix.

The bottom sills should really be replaces with new galv ones, but i can't justify that right now and they're just solid enough to get by.

i then tested some of the panels to see how they fitted.

Other jobs included the seatbelt mounts and some painting of the chassis in areas i'd missed because of the gearbox being in the way.

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